Unit: 5 Mapping Earth Why Mapping?
Mapping Earth Whether you think about it or not. Your life (especially this day in age) is effected directly by having access to accurate maps of the Earth’s surface. We use maps every day. World Atlas Local Maps GIS- Geographic Information System GPS- Global Positioning System If you have a smart phone (& I know you do) your cell phone is capable of picking up signals from satellites that use coordinates in the upper atmosphere to find your location!!!
The Framework for Mapping Earth Where it starts: Latitude and Longitude What is Latitude? What is Longitude?
Latitude and Longitude The earth is effectively a sphere, so how do we describe where a point is on its surface? The most common way to locate points on the surface of the Earth is by standard, geographic coordinates called latitude and longitude. These coordinates values are measured in degrees, and represent angular distances calculated from the center of the Earth.
LATITUDE DEFINITION: Lines of latitude are lines that measure equal points across the Earth’s surface NORTH and SOUTH of the Equator in degrees. The equator marks the center point of the Earth. It is at 0 degrees latitude.
All lines of latitude are parallel to the Equator, and they are sometimes also referred to as parallels. Parallels are equally spaced. There are 90 degrees of latitude going north from the Equator, and the North Pole is at 90 degrees N. There are 90 degrees to the south of the Equator, and the South Pole is at 90 degrees S.
LONGITUDE DEFINITION: Lines of longitude are lines that measure equal points across the Earth’s surface EAST and WEST of the Equator in degrees. The PRIME MERIDIAN marks the center point of the Earth. It is at 0 degrees LONGITUDE.
LONGITUDE The Earth is divided equally into 360 degrees of longitude. There are 180 degrees of longitude to the east of the Prime Meridian; when the directional designator is omitted these longitudes are given positive values. There are also 180 degrees of longitude to the west of the Prime Meridian
How Do We Use Lat and Long? As a grid system… Latitude is always the first coordinate written down. Longitude is the second coordinate written down
west east North South
Point B : 60*N, 120*W Point G: 30*S, 0* Point H: 15*S, 75*E Point E: 0*, 150*W