eGrATIS: Where We Are Now and What to Expect in 2011
Overview 2011 Grant Timeline Major eGrATIS Changes for 2011 ARRA Changes Other Grant information
2011 Grant Timeline Grant due through August 15, 2010 Mid-year progress report that includes progress towards objectives 2011 Objectives 2011 Budget and Budget justification Other required attachments (SF-424 and Indirect Rate Agreement) eGrATIS opens June 15, 2010 Draft copy of non-competing continuation will be made available when sent to PGO
Major eGrATIS Changes 2011 FSCA Table = GONE Using whole dollars for budget development (not percents) All required objectives (formerly required activities) are pre- programmed
Major eGrATIS Changes 2011 (cont.) While building budget, screen will show how much funding has been allocated and how much remains Significant amount of end user testing to identify bugs and other issues Written guidance will include tips and tricks, as well as specific instructions for how to enter certain things (e.g. optional objectives, 317 DA for registry contracts, etc)
Major eGrATIS Changes 2011 (cont.) Will pre-populate the budget from prior year, but not work plan Due to significant differences in structure Grantees will build separate budgets for each funding category Categorical funds may only be used when they are specific to the required objectives/activities Allows grantees and CDC to plan and account for the different funding streams
ARRA Changes No changes will be made to ARRA portion of eGrATIS because this resides in the 2009 module ARRA post award changes (i.e. redirections): Official request to PGO in writing Please update eGrATIS with changes you have made so that the records match (in event of an audit) using Post-Award Administration Module
Other Grant Information Work with your Project Officer on redirections (ARRA and “regular” grant redirections) 25% or $250,000 rule PGO will not approve them after 10/1 Interim FSRs due 90 days after the end of the grant year; Final due one year from that date. Unliquidated obligations means the amount of obligations incurred by the grantee that has not been paid (e.g. contracts) Annual Progress Report must be sent to PGO
Other Grant Information (cont.) Prior approval is required for redirections due to changes in key personnel and/or contracts Equipment is defined as tangible, nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than 1 year and a cost of $5000 or more per unit In 2011, grant funds will be distributed among object classes per eGrATIS
Questions? Ask your POB Project Officer or contact: Melissa Ely Moore, MPH Program Operations Branch Immunization Services Division Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd., MS E52 Atlanta, GA Phone: (404) Fax: (404)