What the Hebrews Gave the World An Overview of the Significance of the Jewish People in History
I.The Concept of God God as the Creator 1.Cause-Effect 2.Not Arbitrary “Benevolent” 3.Not Capricious 4.Transcendent 5.Universal
I. Concept of God God as Lawgiver 1.Laws Given not Made 2.Justice “eye for an eye” 3.Logic 4.Sequential Judgment 5.Revelation as a means of Knowledge 6.Written Word (Education)
I. Concept of God God as Redeemer 1.Sacrificial system 2.Mercy 3.Compassion for the poor 4.Failure not final (David, the Prophets)
II. The Bible: The TANAK The Torah (Books of Moses) 1.Genesis-Origins 2.Exodus-Departure 3.Leviticus-Religious rituals/rules 4.Numbers-Wanderings 5.Deuteronomy-The Second Law
The Bible Continued The Nevi’im 1.The “Prophets” 2.Former Prophets (Entry to Kingdom to Exile) 3.The Latter Prophets (Oracles and sayings of holy men) 4.The “Book of Twelve” (The Minor Prophets) ONE BOOK=ONE SCROLL
The Bible Continued The Ketuvim (“Writings”) Diverse collection Wisdom Literature The Psalms The Song of Solomon Lamentations (Sad songs about the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians)
The Bible Continued 99% written in Hebrew (Hebrew Bible) TANAK=Acronym for Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim Hebrew Bible = Christian Old Testament See Chart (Words in Parenthesis are the Jewish Titles)
TORAHPROPHETS/NEVI'IMWRITINGS/KETUVIM Genesis (In the beginning) Exodus (Names) Leviticus (And he called) Numbers (In the wilderness) Deuteronomy (Words) Former prophets Joshua (Joshua) Judges (Judges) 1-2 Samuel (Samuel) 1-2 Kings (Kings) Latter Prophets Isaiah (Isaiah) Jeremiah (Jeremiah) Ezekiel (Ezekiel) Book of the Twelve (The Twelve) contains: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Psalms (Songs of Praise) Job (Job) Proverbs (Proverbs) Ruth (Ruth) Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) Ecclesiastes (The Teacher) Lamentations (How!) Esther (Esther) Daniel (Daniel) Ezra-Nehemiah (Ezra- Nehemiah) 1-2 Chronicles (Book of Days)
III. Biblical Themes Creation: Steward’s of God’s world Covenant Redemption
IV.View of Nature Different from God; not God God is Personal “I Am who I Am” Testament of God’s Power, Creativity, Wisdom
V.View of History Linear-Beginning and an End; not cyclical Progressive “going somewhere” Dynamic “change possible” Futuristic=HOPEFUL Providential=God is benevolent. Personal-Place for the individual
VI. View of Man Created in the Image of God (Nobility) Morally Responsible: free will, moral agent Jews=Chosen People “a light to the world, not better but a witness” Gentiles (everyone else)=The Nations
VII. Contributions to Politics and Law King under the Law Justice; Right vs. Wrong Nations are to act Morally King not divine; not the head of the religion; Priesthood not in charge of the government