How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! A Special ‘Boardroom & Grads’ Presentation 1
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Strategies and Ideas Don’t Work 4 Work sake! Slow down: Most Things Make No Difference If you can free your time and location, your money is worth 3-10 times as much e.g. Bali, Spain Our culture tends to reward personal sacrifice instead of personal productivity…focus on results not time Usually what we most fear doing is what we most need to do Inaction is the greatest risk of all…measure the COST of inaction Be effective NOT efficient…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Strategies and Ideas Peter Drucker, the famous management guru: ‘What Gets Measured Gets Managed’…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Strategies and Ideas Vilfredo Pareto and The Pareto Law: ‘The 80/20 Rule’…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Strategies and Ideas We wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time 80% of profits come from 20% of your products/services and customers 80% of results come from 20% of your time and efforts What 20% of sources are causing 80% of my unhappiness? 20% of my employees are responsible for 80% of our results…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Strategies and Ideas Parkinson’s Law: ‘A task will swell in (perceived) importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted for its completion’…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Strategies and Ideas Parkinson’s Law - It’s the magic of the ‘deadline’ Strategy: 1.Limit tasks to the urgent & important to shorten the number of activities (remember 80/20 rule) 2.Shorten work time to limit activities to the urgent & important 3.Identify the few urgent & important activities that contribute most to income and schedule them with very short and clear deadlines…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Go On A Low-Information Diet “it is impossible to have perfect and complete information at any given time to make a decision” - Herbert Simon, Nobel Prize Winner 1978 Most information is time consuming, negative, irrelevant to your goals and outside of your influence The key to having more time is doing less Simplicity requires ruthlessness Ask yourself daily: “if this is the only thing I accomplish today, will it make a big difference to my goals for this quarter?” Don’t invent things to do to avoid the urgent and important If you prioritise properly there is no need to multitask…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! The Art of Elimination & Refusal Ignore meetings, phone calls, s that are unimportant Eliminate repetitive tasks e.g. Use regular Game Plans Empower others to make something small happen without your input e.g. customer problems/refunds/damaged goods etc Turn off automatic send/receive and any sounds in outlook Check s once per day – you choose: Morning, Noon or 4pm. BATCH repetitive tasks – do phone calls in the same period! Never go into a meeting without an agenda, start and finish time…
How To Cut Your Working Hours in Half! Systems Free People If you can do it better than an assistant, why pay them at all? It’s to free yourself up for bigger and better opportunities 3 GOLDEN RULES 1.NEVER automate something that can be eliminated (80/20 rule) 2.Eliminate FIRST, then DELEGATE what’s left that’s not your Zone 3 3.Stop micromanaging…if both of you are looking at the same work, then one of you is not needed!...