BBon après-midi ! Good Afternoon! BBonsoir! Good Evening! BBonne nuit! Good night!
SSalut ! ( Hi/ hello to a friend) SSalut! Bye to a friend AAu-revoir Mademoiselle! AAu-revoir madame!
CComment ça va ? :How are you ? çça va :It's going fine. çça va bien merci. çça va très bien merci et vous ?I am very fine and you? CComme ci, comme ça!It's ok, could be better CComment allez vous?(formally) JJe vais très bien,merci.I am very fine and you?
1.How would you say "hello" to : PPierre, an old friend AA lady that you do not know very well YYour boss YYour neighbour's son called Paul 2.How would you say " goodbye " to : MMadame Martin YYour brother AA young lady that you do not know AA child
1.How would you ask the well being of : PPierre, an old friend AA lady that you do not know very well YYour boss YYour neighbour's son called Paul 2.How would you say " good evening " to : MMadame Martin YYour brother AA young lady that you do not know AA child
Bonjour,Je m’appelle _____ Hello, I call myself ________ Comment vous appelez- vous? Comment tu t’appelle? I call myself________ Tu t’appelles____ You call yourself____ Comment vous vous appelez ____ ? How You call yourself______(formally)? Il s’appelle _________ ( He______) Elle s’appelle_________(She____)
HHello (informally) TTo ask the well being GGood bye! HHello! (formally) AAsk the name:Answer him & ask his/her name AAsk the well being of each other PPleased to meet you! GGood bye!
Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance Pleased to meet You! Enchanté(e): Enchanté(e)