… getting there … 112/02/2014A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE
GIF today 212/02/2014A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE False floor Cable trays Service area illumination
Schedule 3 EN/EL installation until mid September Irradiator delivery mid September Irradiator Site-Acceptance-Test at end September Limited access to EHN1 during few periods of couple of hours Commissioning with beam in December 12/02/2014A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE
PPE152 shielding 413/5/2014A. Fabich Central passage NA61 target beam
Modifications on the Jura side 512/02/2014A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE
PPE152 works 6 August – completed: Disconnecting NA61 racks, cables and piping Removal of gang way and (unnecessary) beam line blocks First layer of blocks installed Minor actions from September until end of the year NA61 commissioning Completing installation in December/January See EDMS for details 12/02/2014A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE