1 Integration of the LCP Reporting Into the E-PRTR Current status and Technical proposal August 4th.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of the LCP Reporting Into the E-PRTR Current status and Technical proposal August 4th

Content Common platform Consequences in LCP integration Current status of LCP integration Task 3: QA/QC Proposal for Task 3: Qa/QC Task 4 : Harvesting of data Proposal for Task 4: Harvesting of data Advantages of our technical approach MDB to XML tool 2

Common platform 3 Centralised Register –Administrative units –INSPIRE relevant elements (identifiers, names, addreses, geographical coordinates, NUTS codes, NACE codes, compentent authorities…) Thematic dataflows –Content related information Thematic data By ID Centralised Register Final Data Bases

Consequences in LCP Integration Task 1 : Data specificiation UML without administrative units and INSPIRE related-elements Task 2 : XML reporting schemas Without schemas for code lists Task 3: Qa/Qc Remove current validations related to administrative units Maintenance of the off-line tools? Task 4: Harvesting of data E-PRTR database has to be updated New datamodel design is necessary to do the integration (E-PRTR + LCP) Centralised Register design is necessary to do the integration

5 Current Status of LCP Integration Task 1: OK UML (without administrative and INSPIRE related units) deliverable accepted Task 2: OK Schema related to the UML, generated and uploaded to Data Dictionary Task 3: New proposal Task 4: New proposal

Task 3: Qa/Qc 6 Currently : Off -line tool Disadvantages: Hard maintenance Advantages: Useful for MS With the centralised register : Remove several validations Include new ones for LCP Generate the executable and install on local workstation

Proposal for Task 3: Qa/Qc FME solution On-line tool Hosted at EEA Easy maintenance FME solution On-line tool Hosted at EEA Easy maintenance Feature Manipulation Engine = ETL tools for data transfromations and data translations Used already by EEA IDM unit for other data flows (e.g. WFD and Air Reporting) Development of a FME process for all validations related to thematic data for EPRTR and LCP Simulate the off line tool behaviour for MS New link in Reportnet The MS will receive the result in HTML format in the Reportnet interface

Proposal for Task 3: Qa/Qc 8 Validation result Execute FME process QA/QC output Upload XML

Task 4: Harvesting of data 9 Centralising information: Adapt E-PRTR database Implement the integration between Thematic data and Register information (previously the centralised register design has to be done) Integrate LCP Thematic data into EPRTR data model (previously the E-PRTR data model has to be designed)

Proposal for Task 4: Harvesting of data 10 Separate the harvesting data in two data workflows: Thematic data into thematic database (by Bilbomatica) Final information into final database (in other project) Bilbomatica Thematic DB Centralised Register Final DB

Proposal for Task 4: Harvesting of data 11 FME solution Feature Manipulation Engine = ETL tools for data transfromations and data translations Automatic process executed when the MS envelope is released: Get data from CDR Reportnet Validate information Upload information into the Thematic database

Proposal for Task 4: Harvesting of data 12 Execute FME processes (validation and load data) MS upload data to CDR Save data in SQL data base

Advantages of our technical approach 13 No off line tools EEA has the infrastrucure and knowledge to execute and maintain the data flow Bilbomatica has expertise through other similar projects Alternative to MDB files: FME process to convert mdb file into xml and send the result by to the data provider

MDB to XML Execute FME process Upload MDB and XML file attached by

Dataflow review 15


THANK YOU Natalia Orio Alberto Telletxea