Splunk at Maastro Clinic More with (Varian) log files…
Applications of log files Splunk demo Questions and/or discussion Contents Introduction Varian log formats Applications of log files Splunk demo Questions and/or discussion
> 13 jr experience as a MPE in Maastro Clinic Van wie bin ie d’r iene? Jonathan Martens > 13 jr experience as a MPE in Maastro Clinic Worked with Elekta, Siemens and Varian linacs jonathan.martens@maastro.nl +31 (0) 88 44 55842
Varian has several log formats Varian log formats Varian has several log formats flat text logs (~100MB/day, per machine) trajectory logs (binary, ~6 MB/min, per beam)
Samples with a frequency of 50Hz Capable of sampling 250 “axis” Trajectory log files Samples with a frequency of 50Hz Capable of sampling 250 “axis” Stores actual and expected value per “axis” as a pair Stores tracking (gated-RT) data as well
Trajectory log files Individual beam settings are sampled (shown for a prostate treatment field)
Trajectory log files Individual beam parameter values can be combined to new parameter values
Practical use of trajectory log files Dose prediction based on actual machine dynamics when no PRE is possible using EPID
Challenges with flat text log files Very detailed, in most cases too detailed Wat is useful, what isn’t? No filtering, statistics and reporting How to analyze/narrow in on the problem quickly?
Agony Wishes Goals Analyzing is slow, tedious and difficult Quick and effective search More accurate insight in problems/errors (Proactive) insight in our machine park Reporting/dashboard Alerting
“Google” voor log files What is Splunk? “Google” voor log files Storage of logs Indexing Extended and powerfull search and stats Alerting Reporting Origin in IT world License fee: based on amount of data
The “beast” under the bonnet Lots of predefined formats, mostly IT related Format of logfiles is configurable and defined very flexibel Field/parameter extraction key/value pairs (complex) regular expressions Possibility to build compound fields/values
Some of the search options Search free text Search for patient ID Search for specific linac or (sub)node Search for interlock/fault code Search for specific MLC leaf etc.
Some of the visualizations Raw event lists Tables Graphs Maps Combinations of the above
Enkele Nederlands “success stories” More at http://www.splunk.com/en_us/customers.html
Modular approach Varian Truebeams Split up in nodes SPV (supervisor) CCHU and CCHL (couch) BGM (beam generation) STN (stand) COL (collimator, MLC, jaws) MVD, KVD and KVS (imaging arms) XI (kV imaging) DKB (operating console)
Example: linac dashboard Overview of some parts/parameters and status/problems per machine Unfortunately not real-time (ATM) Example 2: KVS shape filter intervention
Example: Overheating due to defect top fan When overheating machine starts reporting temperature, through SPD Example 3: Overheating
Example: treatment session per patiënt Unfiltered or filtered for “important” moments/actions/events in flow
Example: interruption during treatment session Maastro has automated (PRE) and in-vivo dosimetry using EPID Report fails for a patient Machine seems to have interrupted Example 4: Collission Example 5: DKB.BeamOff pressed