Bekaert strategy
November Core competences to metal fibers 6.5 mm 1 µm From wire rod From traditional coatings to advanced coatings Metal transformationAdvanced coatings Adhesion Corrosion resistance Wear resistance Anti-fouling
November Presence in different market sectors Growth driver 75% replacement market Project and infrastructure related
November Sales per region and per sector Construction Automotive Utilities, agriculture, consumer goods, engineering and basic materials
November Established and emerging: combined sales Established Emerging
November Dramix® Coated wires Market leadership enhances effectiveness Bekaert strives to be number one globally, in well selected markets Flexible pipes Tire cord Sawing wire Fibers
November Bekaert technological leadership Focus on R&D and innovation −Over 70 million euro in-house R&D (3% consolidated sales) −International research team in Belgium (300 employees) −Development team in China (200 employees) −Co-development, outward orientation, corporate venturing −Over 2200 patent rights (of which 380 inventions) −Proprietary engineering and machine building Samples: Steel cord reinforced thermo plastics For reinforcement of pipes (up to 500 bar) Sawing wire Loose abrasive sawing wire to slice hard materials with minimal loss. Automotive Metal fiber application for diesel particular filters
November L/T guidance 1H GrowthGDP +-7.9%22.5%8.2%5.0% ROIC > WACC>3.7 < > > > 8.0 Cash flow generation (EBITDA on sales) 15%12.1%15.5%14%13% EBIT Recurring EBIT 7% - 9% 6.6% 7.2% 7.9% 11.1% 8.0% 8.6% 7.3% 8.1% Working capital (on sales)20%26%22% Dividend pay out40%NR32%36% Tax25%28%16%14%16% Debt Financial autonomy (equity /total assets) Gearing (net debt / equity) Financing (net debt / EBITDA) 40% 50% <2 43% 51% % 54% % 39% % 33% 1.4 Based on a strong financial structure
November Principal shareholder Institutional shareholdings Public (unidentified) 40.1% 15.1% 43.9% 39.1% 46.7% 14.2% Institutional (Belgium) Institutional (International) 82% 18% 11% 89% Declaration AXA S.A.-3.0% Internationalized shareholder structure
November Shareholders, investors and other interested parties wishing to receive the Group's annual report, the annual accounts of NV Bekaert SA or other information published by the Group may contact the Investor Relations department at any time. Contacts Investor Relations : Mr. Jacques Anckaert Documentation :Mrs. Christine Clarysse Agenda Results February annual report available on the internet 31March2010 First quarter trading update May2010 General Meeting of Shareholders 12May2010 Dividend payable (coupon nr. 11) 19May half year results 30July2010 Third quarter trading update November2010 This presentation contains forward-looking information that involves risks and uncertainties. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements include known and unknown risks and are subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Bekaert, nor any other person, assumes any responsibility for the accuracy of these forward-looking statements. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements. Safe Harbor