Progress on GS Activities 3 rd & 4 th IAEG Meetings on GS Neda Jafar Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) 4 th Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress on GS Activities 3 rd & 4 th IAEG Meetings on GS Neda Jafar Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) 4 th Meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics for the Arab Countries Dead Sea, 9-10 May 2016


TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS Gender in Figures Bulletin Gender Equality chapter in the Annual Statistical Abstract Arab Gender Statistics Framework 2014 Reviewed 1999 GIsIn framework Deletion of a number of indicators Aligning with UNSD framework Addition of a number of new indicators Arab Metadata Handbook 2015 Country Profile: Gender Lens pocket book

TECHNICAL MATERIALS Dashboard - Arab Development Monitor on Societal Progress Regional picture on progress achieved 3 profiles for each 22 Arab country Key development indicators including MDGs key youth indicators Key gender issues Arab Catalogue of Gender Statistics Activities 2016 “Ensaf” Gender Statistics Newsletter collaborative effort between ESCWA and NSOs on regional and national activities and products since June

E-learning ESCWA is finalizing the completion of the Arabic Gender Statistics e-learning Curricula What is Gender? What is Gender Statistics ? Why gender statistics is important in policy making? What are Gender indicators? How to visualize gender statistics? 5

Capacity Building Activities 6 YearPartners Number of meetings Number of participants From NSOs Number of Female participants Percentage of Female participants 2011UNFPA % 2012 UNSD, UNICEF, UNCT, FAO/RNE, UNFPA, WB, UN Women, DoS % 2013UNFPA % 2014SESRIC, DoS, UNECE, UNESCAP, UNSD %

Capacity Building Activities Workshop on Developing a National Gender Statistics Programme, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2015 Regional Workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Production of Statistics, Amman, Jordan, 1-4 December, 2014 Inter-regional workshop on good practices in gender statistics, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 5 to 7 November, 2014 Workshop on Development of Gender Indicators in the Arab Countries Istanbul, Turkey, 1-3 April,

8 Workshop on “Gender Analysis of Census Data” Amman, March 2013 Arab Working Group on TUS Workshop, Cairo, Nov 2012 High Level Expert Consultative Meeting to Develop the Near East Action Plan to Implement the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Development Statistics in the Near East and North Africa Region” Cairo, Sept 2012 The 4th Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Jordan March 2012 The 8th Regional Training on DevInfo for Gender Analysis, Beirut, 5-9 March 2012 Training workshop on "Engendering Official Statistics in Iraq", Beirut 29 Nov- 1 Dec 2011

Technical Advisory Services SUDAN Establishing Gender Statistics Unit in NSO Setting objectives Setting activities coordination with gender focal points in ministries Resource requirements Training of gender statisticians and focal points on gender concepts and statistics EGYPT Assist CAPMAS to conduct VAW survey Training#1 field workers and supervisors on concepts & questionnaire Developing questionnaire as per latest international standards Training#2 practical and live case studies Finalizing questionnaire 9 QATAR 2 missions undertaken: Advise on the preparation of the national gender statistics framework Train the gender statistics team and IT personnel on developing a gender Statistics database through the use of DevInfo technology

National Analytical Papers To measure the economic implications on gender equality and women empowerment Contribution of Women's Unpaid Work to GDP in Morocco Pay Gap between Men and Women in Jordan Economic Cost of Violence against Women in Egypt 10

Observations on GS Made by the Statistical Committees 11 th Session of the ESCWA Statistical Committee The secretariat encouraged member States to apply the Arab GS Framework provide comments thereon and inform the secretariat if they required any technical or advisory support for its implementation; 11

12 10 th Session of the ESCWA Statistical Committee The wish of countries to continue the implementation of ongoing projects in the field of gender statistics, and evidence-based policies; the need to ensure adequate funding through the provision of additional extra budgetary resources; and the need to strengthen partnerships with international and regional organizations. Participants made a number of observations related to the nature of implemented activities, meeting the needs of countries in order to draw lessons for the future, particularly in the field of gender statistics

Future Steps Workshop on gender analysis for policy makers Training of trainers on gender statistics (based on e- learning) 5 th IAEG Meeting on Gender Statistics of Arab countries Compiling good practices in mainstreaming gender statistics 13

Thank you 14