Must and mustn’t… … with road signs
Look at the following signs and say what you must or mustn’t do
You must be careful because of the snow
You mustn’t drink drink
You must be careful because of the planes
You mustn’t ride your bike
You must be careful with the people crossing the street
You must be careful because of the animals
You mustn’t use your horn
You must be careful because of the roundabout
You must be careful because of the wind
You mustn’t turn right turn
You must be careful because of the junction
You mustn’t use your cell phone
You must be careful because of the gravel
You must be careful because of a zigzag road
You mustn’t park park
You mustn’t make a U-turn
You mustn’t walk walk
You must be careful because of falling rocks
You mustn’t start start a fire
You mustn’t take your dog
You must be careful because of the railway junction
You mustn’t smoke smoke