Library Tutorial Using the CSUDH Library website, online resources, and finding journal articles.
Introduction In this tutorial you will learn about: The library’s online resources including eBooks, Databases, Full text journal articles, and Interlibrary Loan. Creating a search strategy using keywords, subject terms, and limiters. A great new way to store, cite, and organize your research. In this tutorial you will learn about: The library’s online resources including eBooks, Databases, Full text journal articles, and Interlibrary Loan. Creating a search strategy using keywords, subject terms, and limiters. A great new way to store, cite, and organize your research.
Getting to the library home page u/library/ OR From, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Library.
Logging In You must be a currently enrolled student, staff or faculty member. Use the same username and password you use to log into MyCSUDH. On Campus Logging into the computer will grant you access to databases and other password protected content. On Campus Logging into the computer will grant you access to databases and other password protected content. Off Campus You can access the website without logging in, and will be prompted to login when accessing databases and other protected content
Having Trouble Logging in? You may need to reset your password. Online at: hange.php hange.php Call (310) Go to the IT desk in the Library
Finding Resources Using the Website Books eBooks Articles InterLibrary Loan Books eBooks Articles InterLibrary Loan
Finding books If you know the title of the book you are looking for, start in the main search box. If you are looking for books on a topic, start from books/eBooks/Textbooks. It is more accurate when doing this kind of search.
eBooks Start from books/eBooks/textbooks on the home page, or Search eBook databases. It is good to search both ways, sometimes the library catalog is not up to date with what is in the databases. ebrary (electronic books) EBSCO Ebooks ebrary (electronic books)EBSCO Ebooks Business Expert Press (business ebooks) Oxford Reference (reference eBooks) In each database, create an account (separate from your MyCSUDH) to download books. Typically a 14 day loan period. You may also need to download a viewer for eBooks. Tip: when installing adobe digital editions, it may ask you to choose a vender and id. Skip that by checking the box in the left bottom corner to install with out an id.
Using Databases Search by title or subject. Public Administration & Public Policy list of databases specifically geared to the discipline. Public Administration & Public Policy Depending on your topic, databases for other disciplines may also be appropriate, such as education, social work, or political science.educationsocial workpolitical science Each database searches a selection of publications appropriate for the discipline. This may include scholarly journals, studies, magazines, newspapers, trade journals, pamphlets, and some even include audio visual content. Searching a specific database helps you retrieve content relevant to the discipline, with out having to wade through everything the library has access to. Search by title or subject. Public Administration & Public Policy list of databases specifically geared to the discipline. Public Administration & Public Policy Depending on your topic, databases for other disciplines may also be appropriate, such as education, social work, or political science.educationsocial workpolitical science Each database searches a selection of publications appropriate for the discipline. This may include scholarly journals, studies, magazines, newspapers, trade journals, pamphlets, and some even include audio visual content. Searching a specific database helps you retrieve content relevant to the discipline, with out having to wade through everything the library has access to.
Public Administration & Public Policy Databases Academic Search Premier Academic Search Premier Multidiscipline database. Social Sciences Full Text Social Sciences Full Text Community Health & Medical Care, Communications, Economics, Environmental Studies, Ethics, Family Studies, Gender Studies,, Law, Political Science, Social Work, and more. Business Source Premier Business Source Premier Business, Marketing, Management, MIS, POM, Accounting, Finance, Economics LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe Business, Law, Accounting, Law Enforcement, Government Academic Search Premier Academic Search Premier Multidiscipline database. Social Sciences Full Text Social Sciences Full Text Community Health & Medical Care, Communications, Economics, Environmental Studies, Ethics, Family Studies, Gender Studies,, Law, Political Science, Social Work, and more. Business Source Premier Business Source Premier Business, Marketing, Management, MIS, POM, Accounting, Finance, Economics LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe Business, Law, Accounting, Law Enforcement, Government Frequently Used Databases [found under lists for Pub. Admin & Policy, or Political Science.]
Creating a Search Strategy Research Question How does media coverage affect public policy? Pull out Key Words Media Coverage Public Policy Affect Synonyms/Related Mass Media, Television, Internet News Outlets, Government Administration, Influence Laws, Outcomes, Effect
Now lets try it in a database : Academic Search Premier
Helpful functions When you create an account with the database you can quickly save articles in your folder and come back and view them later. Always remember to double check the citations the Database gives you. It makes mistakes occasionally, for example when there is a corporate author like the Center for Disease Control, it may cite as Control, Center for Disease.
How to narrow your search Change the date range. Use AND, OR, and NOT with your keywords to hone your search. Search only Peer Reviewed Journals
More ways to narrow… Use subject terms to find more articles Search for a specific kind of study or research method
Warning! Selecting “find full text only” will only hurt you. It won’t show you articles that we have easy access to in other databases, or can get through InterLibrary Loan More on these in just a moment
Evaluate Your Sources Is the article from a Peer Reviewed scholarly journal? A Peer Reviewed publication has a board of experts in a discipline review the article before publication. This ensures that the research meets the standards of the discipline, has appropriate methodology, was properly researched, and contributes to the field. Is the methodology appropriate for your research? There are many kinds of works in databases. Is it a study, literature review, opinion piece, product review, company profile, etc.? What is the bias of the author? What are his or her credentials? Do they adhere to school of thought? Why was it written? Do they explain their motives for writing the article. How was it funded? Has it been cited by others? Many Databases will actually tell you what other articles it has that have cited an article. Is the article from a Peer Reviewed scholarly journal? A Peer Reviewed publication has a board of experts in a discipline review the article before publication. This ensures that the research meets the standards of the discipline, has appropriate methodology, was properly researched, and contributes to the field. Is the methodology appropriate for your research? There are many kinds of works in databases. Is it a study, literature review, opinion piece, product review, company profile, etc.? What is the bias of the author? What are his or her credentials? Do they adhere to school of thought? Why was it written? Do they explain their motives for writing the article. How was it funded? Has it been cited by others? Many Databases will actually tell you what other articles it has that have cited an article.
Time to read In each article's record it will say something like PDF Full Text if the journal owns it, or Find CSUDH Lib if that specific database does not. Clicking Find CSUDH Lib will search all of the other databases CSUDH owns and the Library print catalog to find a copy of the article. Full Text Available Find CSUDH
Find CSUDH When the system searches all of CSUDH holdings, it will either give you the link to access it in the full text elsewhere, or if we don’t have access to it, the option to request it by InterLibrary Loan. Get it from Another Database Get it InterLibrary Loan
InterLibrary Loan If we don’t have access to an article we can ask another library that does to scan it and send it to you electronically! o Set up an account the first time. o Usually takes 5-10 days. o Articles come electronically. Physical books arrive in the library for pick up. o Sorry, no textbooks or Ebooks with ILL. o You can download, and print your articles. o Check your account from the home page by clicking Renew/ Request ILL materialsRenew/ Request ILL materials o You can have 5 items at a time. Download and delete from your list to make room for more articles to come though. o From the Library Home page, click Search/Request books from other libraries (WorldCat-ILL) to search for items outside of the library to get through ILL. Search/Request books from other libraries (WorldCat-ILL)
What if I want a physical book, but I am not able to come to campus? Many public libraries also offer InterLibrary Loan and can request the item for you.
I have a lot of research to manage and cite, is there anything that can help me with that? YES! Zotero is a free software and web application that helps you store, organize, cite, create bibliographies, and manage your resources. It is already installed on all Library computers, and you can easily install it on your home computer. Just create an account to access your matereials from any computer with Zotero installed. Zotero Tutotial by Cornerstone Library
More questions? We’re here to help Call or drop by the reference desk (310) Send us a Chat from the Library Homepage with this link Make an appointment for research consultationresearch consultation
Thank you. Presentation by: Kendall Hinesley Liaison Librarian to the College of Health and Human Services. (310)