WE NEED TO MAXIMIZE OUR MONOGRAPHIC FUNDS 40-50% of books purchased by academic libraries NEVER circulate Library budgets are flat or have decreased Students often prefer print books over e-books Undergraduates need “something,” but not necessary a “specific thing” We need to optimize purchases to meet users needs We need to focus our efforts on titles that WILL circulate
TRADITIONAL ASSUMPTIONS We teach [topic] We should have books on [topic] Selectors should buy books with good reviews on [topic] We should have “Choice essential” books on [topic] A good academic library should have books on [topic]
NEW MODEL OF COLLECTION BUILDING BASED ON ASSIGNMENTS Students come to the library when they have a research assignment Students need books to complete their assignments Libraries don’t just need “good books” with “good reviews” Libraries need “good books” that fulfill current assignment needs Don’t worry so much about predicting future needs
WHAT TOOLS DO WE HAVE THAT SHOW US WHAT USERS LOOK FOR? 1.ALEPH Web OPAC Search Strings 2.ALEPH circulation by title report 3.ALEPH circulation by budget code report 4.ILLiad Reports – Most requested Loans 5.Ebrary Ebook Title use stats 6.SpringShare LibAnswers – Stats – Spy Query 7.SpringShare LibAnswers – Ref Analytics – View/Edit Transactions
FOLLOW THE METADATA BREADCRUMBS For every title you think you should purchase: Check holdings on WorldCat (SUNY Rule of 3) What does the metadata look like? Content notes? Abstract? What are the Subject Headings? Search the ALEPH GUI CIRC module using the metadata terms. Do you own similar titles? How many titles? How recent are they? Do they circulate? How much do they circulate? To whom do they circulate (students, faculty, public or ILL)? When did they last circulate?
HOW: WEB OPAC SEARCH STRINGS ALEPH GUI Cataloging module Services Custom Services - OPAC Stats Web OPAC Search Strings – Word Searches (custom-62)
HOW: ALEPH CIRCULATION STATISTICS BY TITLE REPORT ALEPH GUI Circulation Module Services Custom – Circ Stats (Titles) Circulation Statistics by Item – custom-51 (hints: Publication date From: 0000 To: 9999) Include the following transactions: loans, renewals, or in-house (I prefer Loans only) Import.csv output file into Excel and sort by “# of Transactions”
HOW: ALEPH CIRCULATION BY BUDGET CODE REPORT Procedures in Google doc: ALEPH Services used: ACQ: General Retrieval Form (acq ) ACQ: Retrieve Record Keys (manage-70) ITEMS: General Retrieval Form (ret-adm-01) Then manipulate your data in Excel To see what all the data looks like: Note that this example spreadsheet has over 70 tabs. It takes days to generate and compile all the data.
HOW: ILLIAD REPORT - MOST REQUESTED LOANS Login to the ILLiad client Search Request Custom Search Request (little arrow in the corner) Users.Status contains ”Undergraduate” or local status terms Transactions.RequestType contains “Loan” Transactions.Date is between “1/1/16” and “5/31/16” Click the Search button Export data to Excel Spreadsheet (note that there will be close to 200 columns of data, including lots of patron confidential information.
HOW: EBRARY E-BOOK TITLE USE STATS Log into Ebrary Admin area Click on “Run reports” Click on “Title report” Specify date range Display output: Export to Excel
HOW: Springshare L IB A NSWERS SPYQUERY Log into SpringShare LibApps Dashboard Change Spring To: LibAnswers and LibChat Click on Stats tab and select SpyQuery Click on Export queries
HOW: Springshare L IB A NSWERS – R EF A NALYTICS – VIEW/EDIT TRANSACTIONS Log into SpringShare LibApps Dashboard Change “Spring To”: LibAnswers and LibChat Click on Ref Analytics tab, select View/Edit transactions Use “Filters” to narrow results. Export data to Excel
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.Stewart, Christopher "Metrics: The Next Chapter: Measuring the Pace of Change for Print Monograph Collections." The Journal Of Academic Librarianship 37,
QUESTIONS? I am happy to help explain how to run the reports, and what system permissions might be needed. Marianne Hebert Slideshare: