Parents information evening 12 March 2012
5A*-C including English and maths =37% Student gains a D in English (or maths) they cannot form part of this measure 110 students in the year group Each grade slipped is the equivalent of 0.9% 22 D grades in English 25 D grades in mathematics 15 Gained a C or above in English but not maths 16 Gained a C or above in maths but not English
Attainment on entry APS of maths and English at KS2 Low attainers : students below L4 at the end of KS2 Middle attainers : students at L4 at the end of KS2 High attainers : students above L4 at the end of KS2 14 students low attainment maths and middle or high attaining English and vice versa Middle attainers 46 students 2 sub level difference between English and maths Expected progress Level 4A 88% of students nationally make expected progress Level 4C 54% of students nationally make expected progress
What did we do? Raise levels of literacy and numeracy through 1 to 1 tuition and small group intervention 1 to 1 tuition not as effective as small group intervention Over reliance on 1 to 1 tutors? From 2011 small group intervention became the main strategy in raising attainment.
English and maths subject results English 51% gained A*-C national result was 71% 56% gained A*-C in % gained A*-C in 2009 Mathematics 54% gained A*-C national result was 63.4% 58% gained A*-C in % gained A*-C in 2009
English and maths predicted results 68% have gained a grade C or above in the exam component of the English GCSE 61% have achieved a grade C in mathematics by Jan 2012 From 2012 the 5A*-C benchmark will be 55%
Other benchmarks From 2010 the 5A*-C benchmark will be above 80% In 2010 the result was 83% In 2011 the result was 88% In 2012 the prediction is 94% From 2010 the VA benchmark will be above 1000 In 2010 the result was 1013 In 2011 the result was 1004 In 2012 the prediction is 1010+
Results of students from Bramcote Hills Primary School in A* - C % in 2010 was 95% 5 A* - C % including English and Maths was 65% 5 A* - A % including English and Maths was 30%
Other indicators of a school’s effectiveness: Ofsted Student progress (VA) significant + 5 A*-G significant + 5A*-C significant + 5A*-C including English and maths significant -
Other indicators of a school’s effectiveness: Students School and Federation councils Teaching and learning surveys Federation Sixth form increased from 80 in 2007 to 250 in % of students engaged in at least 1 enrichment activity Student destinations at 18: Universities of Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Newcastle.
Other indicators of a school’s effectiveness: Parents Parents’ questionnaire once a year Parents’ forum once a term