Hertfordshire County Council The Role of the Secondary Assessment Co-ordinator Day One 5 th July 2005
Hertfordshire County Council Activity –Flip chart of your role –Comparison of roles
Management issues, policy, roles, transfer Tracking progress, trends, comparison, value added with national data etc. Role of the Assessment Co-ordinator Assessment for learning, marking and feedback peer and self assessment questioning Assessment of learning Decisions about testing and what to collect, recording, evidence
Hertfordshire County Council Overview of the year
Hertfordshire County Council Assessment and Reporting Policy
Hertfordshire County Council Data Analysis Quiz
Comparison with previous years’ results School’s results Target setting Line graph on PANDA Comparison with children from similar starting points Value added lines (PAT) National Bench mark data Comparison with similar schools PANDA FSM Prior attainment groups Comparison with National Standards Autumn Package PAT PANDA ANALYSING YOUR DATA Compare at all levels
Hertfordshire County Council ‘How well are we doing? How do we compare to similar schools? What more should we aim to achieve this year? What must we do to make it happen?’ Then taking action and reviewing progress.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council Tracking and Assessment Manager 6
Hertfordshire County Council PANDA What you get How to analyse
Hertfordshire County Council IT overview and use
Hertfordshire County Council Fischer Family Trust
Hertfordshire County Council Self-Evaluation Analyses Overview Examples Interpretation Limitations Extensions Fischer Family Trust
Hertfordshire County Council KS1 to KS2 : Variation by School FSM On average, the KS2 Overall Level for pupils in schools with 25% FSM is lower than would be expected from their KS1 attainment
Hertfordshire County Council VA Models - Overview Model PA (Prior Attainment) Model SE (Socio Economic) Prior Attainment Gender Month of Birth Gender School Context Prior Attainment 3 value-added are used in Self-Evaluation Reports: PA and SX models are used for value-added sections PA and SE models are used for estimates Model SX (School EXtended) Month of Birth Gender Pupil Context Prior Attainment Month of Birth School Context (E)
Analyses – Outline Example (L4+) Example (L5+)
NRwS: Contextual Value Added Increasing % of pupils with 5+ A*-C grades, and reducing the % of pupils with no passes. In the last 2 year, more of a contribution is made by value added from KS3 to KS4 than KS2 to KS3. Value added from KS2 to KS4 is significantly above 5+ A*-C AND the Capped Points Score is also improving With distinguishable improvements in KS2-KS3 value-added, what will the effect be upon KS3 to KS4 value-added? In 2003/04, the school: - Turned around the value added of the Year 11, from progress KS2-3 to high value added KS34 and KS24 And in 2002/03 and 2003/04: - Maintained the KS2-KS3 value added of Y9, which is significantly above; - And reduced the number of pupils with no passes
NRwS 3 Year Grid: All Measures There are issues with 5+ A*/A for Upper band pupils, and maybe the top end of Middle band girls. English is also an issue as a subject, and possibly as a contributor to 5+ A*-G including English and Maths. The school has a strength with overall measures covering mean grade and points scores, despite the low value-added in English, and at 5+ A*/A. Reading across the range of measures for a group, lower band girls have value-added that is either in line or above, and for some indicators the trend is improving.
Hertfordshire County Council Estimates Summary Includes: Estimates for attainment in future years Based upon 3 VA models: Prior Attainment (PA) Prior Attainment + School Context (SE) Top Quartile (of schools in similar contexts) Also includes estimates which takes into account the school’s previous VA performance (averaged over 3 years) Enables: A discussion about estimates which: is based upon consideration of a range Indicates the likely outcomes if previous school performance is maintained
Contextualised estimates Estimates provide a range, and the school is likely to be around top quartile for 5+ A*-C, and within the range 5+ A*-G and Capped Points Score if they repeat the value-added from previous years.
Hertfordshire County Council Interpretation - Limitations VA based only upon pupils matched So need to be aware of this in schools with significant proportion of refugees or pupils for whom previous data is not available Significant differences Not shown where number of pupils falls below 10 Estimates SE estimates use broad school context measures. They do not currently take account of more detailed contextual factors such as pupil ethnicity, SEN stage etc.
Hertfordshire County Council Pupil Achievement tracker
Triangulation – for data analysis and/or target setting. Different models of data analysis/ target setting can produce different results. “Triangulation” makes sense of this by comparing 2 formal models with the school’s own “professional judgement” approach and analysing the areas of overlap, as shown by the Venn diagram below. Analysis A Analysis B Professional Judgement Firm basis for action Investigate further Check accuracyChallenge assumptions Key:
What are the strengths ? Are there differences between the attainment or progress of boys/girls/ethnic minority students,children with EAL/travellers/more able /less able ? Are there differences in attainment between subjects ? Are there differences between teacher assessment and test results ? Are there trends over time ? Using data to raise questions and take action How many children does this represent ? % PANDA grades What kind of data is this ? % at a particular level e.g. L5 + L6 + Number of children at a level Average point scores Test marks Teacher assessment or test Attainment or progress Value added Take actionQuestions to ask Is this a National trend or particular to the school ? Is the data significant ? Check whether the action is working
Download this grid and the key questions from
Hertfordshire County Council MIU Data Downloads Benchmarking
Hertfordshire County Council MIDYIS ALIS CATs
Hertfordshire County Council Changes to Pupil Achievement Tracker and Fischer Family Trust
Hertfordshire County Council Contextual Value Added changes Nationally Contextual value added will only be used in the analysis of historical data for a school, it will not be used in target setting and thus will not reinforce underachievement in groups of pupils with certain attributes.
Hertfordshire County Council CVA factors trialled in the PAT for October 2004 prior attainment deprivation (FSM, looking at other measures) gender age (summer born children) SEN English as an additional language ethnicity mobility
Hertfordshire County Council New for 2005 CVA pilot interaction of terms, e.g. gender and ethnicity the production of fine grades further deprivation measures a refined mobility measure looked after pupils
Hertfordshire County Council In the longer term other factors to include will be school level factors: school gender parent education and income single parents. The new CVA tables will have a national launch in 2006.
Hertfordshire County Council /6 In autumn 2005, contextual value added will be included in PAT. In January 2006 pilot CVA tables will be published and if everything is successful the secondary tables value added will include contextual measures in 2006.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council Evaluation of performance
Hertfordshire County Council Action Plan
Hertfordshire County Council Plenary