Welcome to Year 3 Miss Walsh and Miss Scannell Living & Learning inspired by our Faith
Procedures School gates open at 8:40. Children should be ready to line up at 8:55. If the line has already gone, they will have to go via the office. School day finishes at 3:35 If your child is going home with someone else please inform me either the day before at pick up or a letter the morning of the day.
PE PE will take place on a Wednesday and Friday. Children wear school uniform and bring in their PE kits. All clothing and PE bags should be labelled.
Targets and Assessment Children will be assessed in a variety of ways. These assessments will be reported back to parents each term at parents evenings and the end of year report. Targets will be individually set for the children which will help them to know what they have to do to improve.
Targets and Assessment cont. The children will have a mental arithmetic (Tuesday) and spelling (Thursday) test once a week and these scores will be recorded in their homework diaries.
Topics All of KS2 now do the same topics throughout the year. Autumn term: The Earth and Beyond Spring term: Greeks Summer term: South America (Olympics)
Behaviour We follow the traffic light system throughout the school to promote positive behaviour amongst children. Green = non verbal warning Amber = verbal warning and miss 5 minutes of play Red = name in pink folder and the parent of the child will be rung to talk about their behaviour.
Homework New Homework & Reading diaries All homework will be set published on a Thursday on the website. These will be due back on: Monday: English Tuesday: Mental Maths Wednesday: Maths Thursday: Spellings Please encourage your child to complete their homework independently, helping them when needed.
Reading Reading should take place every evening for around 15 mins and logged in the diary. Children will choose books from the library each week. 2-3 hours per week should be spent on homework and reading. Parent’s reading workshop on 21 st September at 7pm
Meetings If you wish to meet with us please ask Mrs Collis and she will make a suitable appointment. If you have a quick question then please wait until we have dismissed all the children at the end of the day.
Snacks at Break Time Children may only bring in fruit/vegetables only and water or natural fruit juice. Only water is allowed during class time.