2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November The scientific Programme Less than one year from launch !
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November The selection of the region of the sky Seismology and exoplanet constraints Priorities among the possible fields Several iterations….. Sismologue Chercheuse de planètes Le difficile compromis du choix du plan de l’orbite Dec 04 Les deux yeux de CoRoT April 2001
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November The drift of the orbit How to reduce the distance to the centre of the observable zone To decrease perturbations due to straylight Implies a chronology… ,5 2010,5
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November The mission profile Or Or Choice a or b: Optimisation of the Central programme 1 long run and 1 short run each semester
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November Straylight optimisation… beginning: ( o ) ≤ 0 prefered long run end: ( - o ) ≥ 0 The best is !! Winter:
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November The general planning - 2 first long runs CW8/SC14 LRa1 =101.7 = =7.3 LRc1 =290.9 = 0.48 =19 (tbc) - Choice of the short run of the anticentre SRa1 CW9/SC16 - Next long runs: LRa2, LRc2 CW10/SC? AO-1 Answer July 5th, Selection: September 5th (see later) AO-n each year Additional Programmes Core Programme
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November LRa1 sismo B2III Be F0V solar-like G0 solar-like B0.5V F1V B9V B9ApV G5II F2V B8IV 5.5<mv<9.5
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November LRa1 exo Exoplanet field properties CCDE1CCDE2 R< C< Additionnal targets Dolitze 25 Binaries x GU Mon DD Mon ? V501 Mon ?
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November LRc1 sismo Not yet completely decided Ceph Scuti stars early abd late F
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November LRc1 exo Exoplanet field properties CCDE1CCDE2 R< C< giants 45 % Presently no specific AP target
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November Seismology exploratory programme Half of the short runs are dedicated to the seismology exploratory programme 3 minimum Initial objective: coverage of the HR diagram But…..the job will be done by the long runs
2nd CoRoT Brazil Workshop Ubatuba, November The first « seismology » short run Define the scientific cases not reached in the central programme Choice of 4 possible short runs 2 in each direction Priorities: special attention to the first one Planning: 1 in each direction at CW9 ? AP first short run…see next talk * As simple as possible to observe -in a region covered by EXODAT, not too crowded - at least one 6th magnitude star in the seismology field * First class scientific results rapidly?