Md.Anowarul Islam Sr.Teacher(Eng.) Md.Anowarul Islam Sr.Teacher(Eng.) Mirzapur Islamia dakhil Madrasah Dapunia,Pabna Mirzapur Islamia dakhil Madrasah Dapunia,Pabna
Do you know the man in the picture? Do you know the man in the picture? Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore Look at the picture
Our to day’s topic is-- Our to day’s topic is-- Rabindranath Tagore. Unseen passage Class:- 08 Rabindranath Tagore. Unseen passage Class:- 08
Debendranath Tagore Father of Rabindranath Debendranath Tagore Father of Rabindranath Sarada Devi Mother of Rabindranath Sarada Devi Mother of Rabindranath Mrinalini Devi Wife of Rabindranath Mrinalini Devi Wife of Rabindranath Elder son Shathindranath Younger son Shathindranath Younger son Meera Elder daughter Meera Elder daughter Renuka 2 nd daughter Renuka 2 nd daughter Madhuri Younger daughter Madhuri Younger daughter Identity of Tagore’s family
Dear student,Let us learn some word meaning Musician (Noun) A skilful singer Renowned (Adj.) Famous Tirelessly (Adverb) Continuously Reject (Verb) Cancel/refuse Protest (Verb) Give a opinion(against)
Text analysis Rabindranath Tagore was one of the leading poets in the history of world literature.He was at the same time a poet,a novelist, a dramatist, a philosopher and a musician.
Birth Identity:- He was born in renowned Tagore family,zorashako in Kolkata. Date of birth:- March/1861 Education: He completed his primary education at home.After passing H.s.c (F.A) examination he was sent to London to study Law. But he study literature with Prof.Henry Merely only for a few month and then returned home. His composings:-At the age of eight he started composing poem. His first poem is “Banafhul”. In 1911 He translated his poems of “The Gitanjali” into English which brought him the highest honour The Nobel prize in Another award:-In 1914 he was given “Knight”by the British government.In 1940 The Oxford University honoured him with D.Litt. At the age of 80, in 1941 He breathed his last
Group work Group work What/WhoActivity/EventWhere/institute When Rabindranath Tagore was born(i)…… 1861 He visited Himalayas(ii)…. He (iii)… to London1878 He (iv)… 1911 He breathed his last (v).. Tagore Family 1874 went Translation of Gitanjali 7 th August,1941
Pair work Pair work Write true /False, If false give the correct statement. a) At the age of 17 Rabindranath was sent to U.S.A to study law. Ans. False. Co.Ans. At age of 17 he was sent to London to study law. b)He translated his poem “ Gitangali” in to English in Ans. True.
c) Tagore was awarded Noble prize in Ans:-True d)The University of Oxford honoured him with Master degree. Ans. False. Co.Ans. The University of Oxford honoured him with D.Litt degree in e) Rabindranath Tagore died at age of 80 Ans. True
Evoluation a)Where and when Rabindranath Tagore was born b) What is his mother’s name? c) How many children of Rabindranath Tagore?
Home work Write a short paragraph about “Rabindranath Tagore “