O BJECTIVE Name most commonly abused narcotics Describe the effects that narcotics can have on a user Indentify specific stimulants and CNS depressants
W HAT ARE NARCOTICS ? Specific drugs that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain Made from opium- a liquid from the poppy plant contain substances that numb the body
N ARCOTICS AND ADDICTION Affects the body by attaching themselves to certain receptors in the brain to block any painful messages that are being sent Drugs also produce euphoria- a feeling of wellbeing or elation because it affect the areas of the brain that perceive pleasure Abusing these drugs can result in tolerance, physical and psychological dependence and addiction
H EROIN Illegal narcotic Made from morphine Black tar heroin is a variety of heroin produced in Mexico Usually inhaled or injected intravenously Easily addiction
OXYCONTIN Legal narcotic and prescribed by a doctor Controls serve pain in patients with cancer back pain and arthritis
W HAT ARE STIMULANTS ? Drugs that speed up activity in the human brain and spinal cord Causes heart to beat fast and blood pressure and metabolism to rise People who move and speak more quickly than usual Fell exhilarated, excited, or anxious
You may not know your ingesting a drug Caffeine found in coffee, tea and many soft drinks and chocolate
A MPHETAMINES Know as speed, a drug that stimulated the CNS Large amount can cause aggressive behavior that is difficult to predict Extreme weight loss or physical strength
C OCAINE Illegal stimulant derived from the coca plant Sod as fine white powder Mixed with water and injected into the body Can be smoked and inhaled Most addictive drug on the streets Affects user immediately
CRACK When cocaine is heated and processed with baking soda and water, it forms a substance that is smoked Its name comes from the cracking sounds that occurs when its smoked
M ETHAMPHETAMINE Highly addictive stimulant drug Produced in illegally formed labs Also known as “meth” Can be swallowed, snorted, smoked or injected
E FFECTS OF METH Can feel confident Full of energy
CNS DEPRESSANTS Substances that slow down the normal brain function Called sedative or tranquilizers Prescribed to relief sleeplessness, anxiety,, or tension Produce a feeling of calm or drowsiness Two CNS depressants: Barbiturates- for anxiety or tension or sleep disorders benzodiazepines- treat patients with more serious anxiety and panic attacks