UNCLASSIFIED 1 TEMPEST EXPRESS 28 Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations Report March 2016 Kathmandu, Nepal
UNCLASSIFIED 2 Issue: Search and Rescue Operation Findings: -No certified SAR teams in the country -Limited number SAR (MFR, CSSR, DBM, CADRE) trained personnel and equipment -Arrival of limited number of international SAR teams in time Recommendations: -Enhance capacity of national professional responders (security forces) and deploy in different vulnerable locations with equipment -Enhance resilience capacity building of community -Develop certified light and medium SAR teams in the country. Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 3 Issue: International Air Transport for Humanitarian Assistance Findings: No standby agreements with neighboring countries for using their air facilities Recommendation: Since in-country road network and air facilities are badly affected, Nepal should have standby agreement for using air facilities (airport, refueling, crafts etc.) with neighboring countries specially with China, India and Bangladesh. Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 4 Issue: Preposition of rescue and relief materials Findings: - Limited rescue and relief materials -Difficulty in collecting and handling of relief materials Recommendations: Prepositioning of rescue and relief materials at different level (Community, Districts, regional and National level) Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 5 Issue: Transportation of relief materials and casualty evacuation Findings: - No helipads are identified in remote areas - Limited airlifting capacity Recommendation: Air lifting capacity should be developed and helipads in every VDC should be identified Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 6 Issue: Emergency Medical Response Findings: - Lack of prompt medical response - Lack of trained manpower, medical supply and blood bank Recommendation: - Conduct structural/ nonstructural assessment of at least all district, regional and other major hospitals, and prepare directory of existing medical responders available in the country. - Establish EMS system and develop network throughout the country - Develop activation mechanism (HEOC?) - Preposition Emergency medical supplies - Develop Basic Emergency Medical Responder (BEMR) in communities - Enhance blood bank capacity Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 7 Issue: Mobilization of Ex government employee, NGO/CBOs and Red Cross movement and private sectors Findings: - There is spontaneous response from all communities after disasters, but control and coordination mechanism is required - Limited public resources Recommendation: - A clear policy including guidance, instruction and standards should be developed for mobilization of such teams - Prepare mechanism for the use of private sectors resources during crisis -Assess capacity of public sector and prepare inventory of private sectors Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 8 Issue: Dead body management Findings: - Time line to dispose the dead body is not specified in the existing SOP - Limited mortuary facility - DNA test is not possible for unidentified / unclaimed mass dead bodies - No clear policy for the handling of foreigner’s dead body Recommendation: - SOP for Dead Body Management to be reviewed - Capacity of Mortuary facility to be increased in different tiers - Unidentified / unclaimed mass dead bodies should be disposed after taking possible personal identification Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 9 Issue: Coordination and reporting Findings: - Limited coordination/reporting to/from NEOC and RDRC was observed - Due to limited reporting, NEOC was not aware of actual requirements at the ground Recommendation: -Enhance capability of DDRC through vertical coordination and reporting mechanism - With physical proximity, Strong horizontal coordination in center level Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 10 Issue: Communication Findings: -No clear policy regarding frequency distribution to foreign military and INGOs -Break down of power supply and communication tower Recommendation: -MoIC should lay down the frequency distribution policy in case of emergency -Alternative power supply -Plan and rehearse to deploy ETC Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 11 Issue: Public Information System Findings: -People are unaware of safety and security, location of IDP camp, distribution of relief materials, medical services, hygiene and sanitation - Panic due to rumor Recommendation: -Develop standard templates for instructions to the public on Rumor about aftershocks, Safe and unsafe areas, DOs and DON’Ts, call for assistance, possible consequences, service centers etc. - Periodic information dissemination and single window cross check verification - Use local FM radio station and distribute hand held radio Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 12 Issue: Media handling Findings: Information streamlining constraints due to multiple media hub Recommendation: -Discourage dissemination of unprocessed data -Establishment of Regional information center -Streamline information through authentic channel Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 13 Issue: Safe evacuation and IDP camp management Findings: - Evacuation sites in the affected areas not identified - Hygiene and sanitation and security issues in IDP camp Recommendation: - Evacuation sites in different levels should be identified - SOP of IDP camp management needs to be prepared Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 14 Issue: Hazard, vulnerabilities and resources mapping at local level Findings: Difficulty in receiving information on local hazard, vulnerabilities and resources Recommendation: -Expedite formation of local disaster response committee at local level - Vulnerability and capacity assessment at local level Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 15 Issue: Cluster activation Findings: 11 clusters, their composition need to be reviewed Recommendation: - Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare should lead Protection cluster and exclude NHRC from existing jointly leading provision. - Ministry of Supply should lead Food cluster instead of Ministry of Agriculture - Review the Cluster as per the existing ministries. Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 16 Issue: International Assistance Findings: - International appeal through UN and Red cross Movement only ( Current provision in NDRF) - Unlisted relief materials Recommendation: - Provision of international appeal mechanism for assistance to be reviewed. It should be through government as well as UN and Red Cross Movement - Relief material list to be updated as per the situation and needs. Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 17 Issue: Distribution of Relief Fund and Relief materials Findings: Lack of rationale distribution, lack of confidence of people to contribute Relief Fund Recommendation: - One door policy must be followed.( At least register in DDRC) - Transparency of relief funds Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations
UNCLASSIFIED 18 Issue: Policy Update Findings: -Existing Natural Calamity Act 1982 not sufficient to address all cycle of disaster -RDRC concept no longer going to work because of the federal system Recommendation: - New DM Act to be introduced -PDRC should be formed to make compatible with the federal system. Government of Nepal Working Group Issues, Findings and Recommendations