© Crown copyright Met Office Report of the GHRSST Inter-Comparison TAG (IC-TAG) Matt Martin GHRSST XI meeting, Lima, Peru, June 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

© Crown copyright Met Office Report of the GHRSST Inter-Comparison TAG (IC-TAG) Matt Martin GHRSST XI meeting, Lima, Peru, June 2010

© Crown copyright Met Office Contents Overview of the IC-TAG Terms of reference Members Systems contributing to the IC-TAG GMPE HRDDS – see Dave Poulter’s talk SQUAM Summary

© Crown copyright Met Office Introduction Inter-comparison TAG is responsible for the coordination of all aspects of the inter-comparison experiments and real-time inter- comparison systems maintained by producer/providers. Focus on L4 analyses. The terms of reference were agreed at the previous GHRSST meeting in Santa Rosa: 1.To coordinate existing inter-comparison activities for L4 analyses within GHRSST, including the GHRSST Multi- Product Ensemble (GMPE), and the comparison of L4 analyses and lower level data including the SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) and the High Resolution Diagnostic Data Set (HRDDS).

© Crown copyright Met Office Introduction Terms of reference 2.To coordinate the development of the existing inter-comparison systems, including the development of links between those systems. 3.To develop standardised metrics for use in routine inter-comparison of L4 analyses, and advise on the content and form of automatic reports from the inter-comparison systems. 4.To improve the documentation of the inter-comparison systems, and to provide high level information on the contributing L4 analysis systems. 5.To promote the use of inter-comparison tools for use by the other TAGs (e.g. Re-analysis TAG) where appropriate and make use of validation tools developed by other TAGs.

© Crown copyright Met Office Introduction Members Chaired by Matt Martin with vice chair Alexey Kaplan. The IC-TAG should include representatives from each of the L4 analyses producers which are contributing to GMPE, HRDDS and SQUAM, plus technical experts from the GMPE, HRDDS and SQUAM systems. Current list of members: Emmanuelle Autret, Ian Barton, Helen Beggs, Bruce Brasnett, Jim Cummings, Chelle Gentemann, Jacob Hoyer, Alexander Ignatov (SQUAM), Eileen Maturi, Bruce McKenzie, David Poulter (HRDDS), Jean-Francois Piolle, Dick Reynolds, Martin Rutherford. Other members of the IC-TAG are welcome.

© Crown copyright Met Office GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) Overview The GMPE system is run on a daily basis at the UK Met Office and takes inputs from various analysis production centres on a routine basis and produces ensemble products – median and standard deviation. The analysis systems currently contributing to the GMPE system are: OSTIA (Met Office, UK); RTG_SST_HR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA); NAVO K10 (Naval Oceanographic Office, USA); MGDSST (Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan); RSS MW (Remote Sensing Systems, USA); RSS MW+IR (Remote Sensing Systems, USA); FNMOC (Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Centre, USA); NOAA AVHRR OI (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA); CMC (Meteorological Service of Canada); ODYSSEA (Ifremer, France); GAMSSA (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia).

© Crown copyright Met Office GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) Progress During the past year, the GMPE system has been contributing to the European MyOcean project ( Horizontal resolution of the ensemble products (median and standard deviation) was increased to ¼º. Access to the GMPE data can be obtained by ing the MyOcean service desk The data can be viewed interactively using a Web Map Service at The anomalies of products from the ensemble median are used as a monitoring tool to highlight when particular analyses are outliers. For instance, the GMPE is used on a daily basis to monitor the OSTIA system. GDS2 GMPE document written.

© Crown copyright Met Office GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) Animations for May 2010 Median SSTStandard deviation SST

© Crown copyright Met Office GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) Monitoring of L4 products – 16 th June OSTIA RTG NAVO K10 MGDSST FNMOC RSS

© Crown copyright Met Office GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) Monitoring of L4 products NOAA AVHRR OI GAMSSA CMC OSTIA Obs-Bg for MetOp and AATSR on 17 th June

© Crown copyright Met Office SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) Overview The SQUAM system runs daily at NOAA/NESDIS. It takes inputs from various Level 2 and Level 4 SST products on a routine basis and generates summary consistency statistics. The following global L2 products are currently processed in SQUAM: Various NESDIS heritage (Main Unit Task, MUT) low-resolution and newly developed (Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans, ACSPO) high-resolution SST products NESDIS ACSPO SST product from Metop-A FRAC 1km resolution data O&SI SAF SST product from Metop-A FRAC 1km resolution data NAVO Seatemp SST product from NOAA-14, -15, -16, -17, -18, -19, and Metop-A The following L4 products are currently processed in SQUAM: NOAA AVHRR OI daily AVHRR-based (NOAA, USA); NOAA AVHRR OI daily AVHRR+AMSRE-based (NOAA, USA); OSTIA (Met Office, UK); RTG_SST_HR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA); RTG_SST_LR (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA); ODYSSEA (Ifremer, France);

© Crown copyright Met Office SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) Progress During the past year, the SQUAM system has been contributing to the NESDIS and NCEP SST quality control efforts. More details in breakout session. Example of L4 inter-comparison:

© Crown copyright Met Office SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) Progress L4-L2 inter-comparison example. Comparing MetOp-A with both RTG and OSTIA

© Crown copyright Met Office Issues to be discussed in IC-TAG breakout Tuesday, 8: :45 Review GDS2, particularly the L4, GMPE and HRDDS specification documents. Review L4 inter-comparison and L4 development work: 2-stage analysis, use of SQUAM, temporal variability in L4 data-sets. Discuss how to improve L4 inter-comparisons: Integrating the GMPE and HRDDS systems – see Dave Poulter’s talk. Relationship with GCOS SST Inter-comparison Framework. Use of independent data sources for validation of L4 analyses – Argo data? Use of GHRSST data for assessment of GODAE OceanView systems.