TRTViewer: the ATLAS TRT detector monitoring and diagnostics tool 4 th Workshop on Advanced Transition Radiation Detectors for Accelerator and Space Applications TRDs for the third Millennium Bari, Italy, September 14-16, 2011 Sergei Smirnov National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia On behalf of the ATLAS TRT Collaboration
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy2 TRTViewer Software tool based on ROOT libraries for dedicated analysis of the ATLAS TRT performance at different hardware levels: –straws –readout chips –electronics boards The data analysis results are presented on the event-by-event basis or in the form of color maps representing the operation parameters (efficiencies, timing, occupancy, etc.) according to the real geometrical position of the detector hardware elements TRTViewer operates in different modes depending on the source of input data: –Raw data (files and DAQ) –Online monitoring histograms (via ATLAS Online Histogramming/Information Service) –Offline analysis histograms (Monitoring Data Archive) –DAQ Configuration Database
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy3 TRTViewer concept event displaying tool raw data processor histogram and operation parameters presenter DAQ Raw data file Online Histogramming Service Monitoring Data Archive TRT DAQ Configuration DB Unpacking Mapping Event display Sources of information Data processing and analytical tools Visualization of the results ROOT histograms, Analysis and comparison Physics monitoring Color maps: straws chips boards ROOT Browser The initial TRTViewer concept was suggested in 2005 by A.Romaniouk The software development by R.Mashinistov, S.Nesterov, S.Smirnov and V.Tikhomirov
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy4 Draw next event in event display mode Start analysis and accumulate events Open ROOT browser Mode selection: event display or color map view What to display in color map view mode Tabs to switch views of TRT partitions Run/event information TRTViewer GUI Sliders to change color maps scale Histograms comparison mode Slider to change the signal time window for the event display mode
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy5 Event display Egamma trigger stream 9/9/2011 TRTViewer: different presentations Straw color map Readout chips color map Electronics boards color map Parameters to be presented as color maps LE – leading edge LL – low level bit HL – high level bit ToT – time-over-threshold
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy6 TRTViewer: Analytical tools (1) Double click gives zoomed view Double click on straw gives signal time diagram Left click on a straw in the zoomed view of straw color map gives the hit arrival time histogram Left click on a chip in the chip color map gives the R-t dependence for 16 straws
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy7 Time window in event display mode V.Tikhomirov TRT Run Meeting Track from the previous bunch crossing TRTViewer: Analytical tools (2)
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy8 TRTViewer: Analytical tools (3) V.Tikhomirov TRT Run meeting 09/05/2011 Select “Difference” in “Browser”->”Map Comparison mode” to see the difference between current and reference maps Color map comparison
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy9 TRTViewer: Analytical tools (4) Select reference histogram file Submenu option “All together” for histograms comparison: see four windows (current hist, current hist overlapped with reference one, difference and ratio) in one canvas. V.Tikhomirov TRT Run meeting 13/09/2010 Histogram comparison
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy10 TRTViewer: DB parameters presentation Readout chips Readout boards DTMROC Table TTC table ROD Table TTCGroup Table
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy11 Side 8C 120 DAC (~250 eV) 50 DAC Probability to have a hit in a straw, % TRT commissioning: noise studies “System test status and plans” A. Romaniouk, Sep.26, 2005
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy12 TRT commissioning: High Level hit occupancy
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy13 Endcap: Z – φ presentation Barrel: R – φ presentation and zoomed view TRT commissioning: studies with cosmic rays
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy14 Quite often like this but not always. Not compensated Ar- signal? Side-A Side-C Example of real analysis of digital signals from straws “System test status and plans” A. Romaniouk, Sep.26, 2005
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy15 TRTViewer: cosmic rays event display examples
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy16 First LHC collisions in TRTViewer
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy17 Example of Lead- lead collision with TRT occupancy ~40%
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy18 The efficient and multifunctional software tool – TRTViewer – was developed in the ATLAS TRT collaboration It has proved to be one of the most useful instruments for the fast and effective TRT diagnostics during debugging, commissioning and operation stages. TRTViewer is the –event displaying tool –raw data processor –histogram and operation parameters presenter, working with different sources of input data: –raw data files –DAQ –online monitoring histograms –offline analysis histograms –TRT DAQ Configuration database Summary (1)
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy19 The data analysis results are presented –on the event-by-event basis –or in the form of color maps representing the operation parameters (efficiencies, timing, occupancies, etc.) according to the real geometrical position of the detector hardware elements –individual straws –readout chips –electronics boards Summary (2)
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy20 Backup slides
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy21 TRT Barrel: 3 module types in R * 32 φ modules 1.44 m long straws parallel to beam axis wires electrically split in the middle to reduce occupancy (1.5 cm inactive region) each straw has an independent readout on both ends readout channels 2 TRT end-caps, each with: 20 wheels with 8 straw layers 39 cm long radial straws readout channels ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker
S.Smirnov/MEPhITRD Workshop, September 16, 2011, Bari, Italy22 Leading edge from splash events