Redmond Protocols Plugfest 2016 Ron Starr, Paul Bartos, Hagit Galatzer, Stephen Guty New and Modified Windows Protocol Documents
Introduction Getting a Handle on Things Summary Selected Major Changes Active Directory Remote Desktop Protocols (RDP) Virtualization and Storage Mobile and Connected Devices
Getting a Handle on Things Changes to the Documentation: 15 new protocols 80 changed/updated Just under 450 documents total Ways into the Documentation Set MS-DOCO Overview Documents.Overview Documents Plugfest Sessions File Sharing, Thurs 9AM, FS Update, Thurs 9:45 HVRS+RSVD+SQOS at 11:30 Thurs Overview Documents Thurs 2:45PM followed by test suite demo Preview Page List available Support available –
Summary //BUILD - Mobile First, Cloud First Simplify handling credentials Make remote application start-up easier, independent of app location Enable tracking of virtual disk and file changes Provide for discovery of virtual applications Additions for keys, user attributes, device registration
Active Directory [MS-DVRJ]: Device Registration Join Protocol (New) Lightweight mechanism for registering personal or corporate-owned devices within a workplace. Uses information obtained using the Device Registration Discovery Protocol [MS-DVRD] which was updated to support this new protocol. [MS-KPP]: Key Provisioning Protocol (New) Provides registration of a set of cryptographic keys for a user and device pair. REST-based and returns JSON
Active Directory (cont.) [MS-OIDCE]: OpenID Connect 1.0 Protocol Extensions (New) Extensions to OpenID Connect 1.0, a layer on top of OAuth 2.0. Defines additional claims to carry information about the end user: User principal name Locally unique identifier Password expiration time URL for password change Additional provider metadata to enable discovery of the issuer of access tokens and to give additional information about provider capabilities. [MS-PKAP]: Public Key Authentication Protocol (New) Provides a method for HTTP clients to prove possession of a private key to a web server without having to rely on client Transport Layer Security (TLS) support from the underlying platform.
Active Directory (cont.) [MS-ADTS]: Active Directory Technical Specification (Updated) [MS-DRSR]: Directory Replication Service (DRS) Remote Protocol (Updated) Added the Privileged Access Management optional feature. Enables a link value to have an associated expiry time associated, the TTL-DN, an alternative form of DN. Also enables shadow-principal expansion.
Remote Desktop Protocols (RDP) [MS-RDPERP]: Remote Desktop Protocol Remote Programs Virtual Channel Extension (Updated) Application desktop toolbars anchored to any edge of the remote desktop screen. Cloaking and uncloaking Remote Applications Integrated Locally (RAIL) windows on the client and synchronizing cloaking state. Launch programs by application user model IDs – uniquely identifies applications regardless of install location.
Remote Desktop Protocols (RDP) (cont.) [MS-RDPEFS]: Remote Desktop Protocol File System Virtual Channel Extension (Updated) Writes to a redirected file could, due to an ambiguity, cause file size to balloon. Changes made to Device Write Request (DR_WRITE_REQ) and Server Announce Request (DR_CORE_SERVER_ANNOUNCE_REQ) messages make the behavior unambiguous. [MS-RDPBCGR]: Remote Desktop Protocol Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting (Updated) Support added for credential-less logon over Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) with redirected authentication over CredSSP. CredSSP is documented in [MS-CSSP].
Remote Desktop Protocols (RDP) (cont.) [MS-RDPEAR ]: Remote Desktop Protocol Authentication Redirection Virtual Channel (New) Enables use of credentials over RDP without revealing credentials to the remote system.
Virtualization and Storage [MS-RSVD]: Remote Shared Virtual Disk Protocol (Updated) Now enables client applications to create and manage snapshots of shared virtual disks. A snapshot tracks virtual disk changes and stores them in the underlying object store. [MS-VHDX]: Virtual Hard Disk v2 (VHDX) Protocol (New) The virtual hard disk v2 (VHDX) file format provides features at the virtual hard disk as well as virtual hard disk file layers. [MS-HRL]: Hyper-V Replica Log (HRL) File Format (New) Provides a persistent backing store to track changes in a file. [MS-HVRS]: Hyper-V Remote Storage Profile (New) Supports virtual machines whose associated files are hosted on Server Message Block (SMB) Version 3 shares. Files can include virtual machine configuration files, virtual machine saved-state files, and virtual hard-disk files.
Mobile and Connected Devices [MS-MDE2]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol V2 (Updated) Updated to support additional ProviderID properties starting in Windows 10 v1511. [MS-NCT]: Network Cost Transfer Protocol (New) Provides a way to determine network data cost when a user has data limits or quota-exceeded performance limits on wireless data. [MS-CDP]: Connected Devices Platform Protocol Version 3 (New) Provides a discovery system to authenticate and verify users and devices. Also provides a message exchange between devices. [MS-VAPR]: Virtual Application Publication and Reporting (App-V) Protocol (New) Supports identification of virtual applications across an organization so that they can be deployed as appropriate for each user.
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