Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, Proposal #81190: Create a School of Public Policy 2. Proposal #80952: Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Fisheries and Wildlife 3. Proposal #81423: MA in Women Studies 4. Proposal #81646: Reorganize College of Health & Human Sciences into the College of Public Health and Human Sciences 5. Proposal #81973: Accelerated Baccalaureate (BA,BS)/Law (JD) Degree 6. Proposal #81381: Rename General Agriculture to Agricultural Science Category I Proposals for the June Faculty Senate Meeting
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Executive Summary: Merge the Departments of Economics, Political Science, and Sociology These departments have been working together already, including delivering the successful Masters in Public Policy program The SPP will be coordinated by a Director who reports to the CLA Dean This will not change the existing undergraduate programs This will not change the MPP program 1. Create a School of Public Policy with Departments in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Impacts to Students: None Budget Impacts: Part of Director’s salary 1. Create a School of Public Policy with Departments in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Issues: None External Liaison: Washington State University Internal Liaison: COAS Institute for Natural Resources Environmental Science Graduate Program Curriculum Council vote to approve: Unanimous 1. Create a School of Public Policy with Departments in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Executive Summary: 57-credit non-thesis Masters program organized into four combined cores: Fish and Wildlife (18), Professional (6), Human Dimensions (9), Internships (6) Primarily taught via e-campus Anyone can enroll, but this is really targeted at working professionals 2. Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Fisheries and Wildlife
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Impacts to Students: In-residence students can take this, but really targeted to working professionals who would take it via e-campus Budget Impacts: Small 2. Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Fisheries and Wildlife
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Issues: None External Liaison: American Fisheries Society Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife US Dept of Agriculture US Dept of Interior Internal Liaison: COAS Microbiology MPP Crop and Soil Science Sustainable Natural Resources Graduate Program Agricultural and Resource Economics Curriculum Council vote to approve: Unanimous 2. Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Fisheries and Wildlife
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Executive Summary: Builds on the Graduate Minor in Women Studies Prepare students for doctoral-level work Prepare students for careers in social agencies Little budget impact 3. MA in Women Studies
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Impacts to Students: Nothing negative. Good opportunity to pursue a masters in an area of interest. Some new courses being created. Budget Impacts: No new faculty being requested. Small amount for instructors. 3. MA in Women Studies
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Issues: None External Liaison: University of Oregon Portland State University Eastern Oregon University Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence Internal Liaison: Student Surveys Department of Public Health History Anthropology Curriculum Council vote to approve: Unanimous 3. MA in Women Studies
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Executive Summary: A reorganization and a rename Four Departments become two Schools and one Department (org charts on next slide) 4. Reorganize College of Health & Human Sciences into the College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Before After
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Impacts to Students: No changes are being proposed in majors or minors. Budget Impacts: Name-transition costs. 4. Reorganize College of Health & Human Sciences into the College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Issues: Who owns the words “Biological”, “Population”, “Social”, and “Behavioral”? (No resolution. Everyone expected to explain their use of the term) External Liaison: Oregon Master of Public Health program (OHSU, PSU, OSU) Internal Liaison: College of Science College of Agricultural Sciences College of Vet Medicine Curriculum Council vote to approve: Unanimous 4. Reorganize College of Health & Human Sciences into the College of Public Health and Human Sciences
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Executive Summary: Joint 3+3 year program with Willamette University Students complete 3 years of a BA or BS degree at OSU If admitted to WU Law School, they complete the fourth year of OSU degree as the first year of the WU Law Degree Admission to WU under this program requires a 3.5 High School GPA, combined SAT ≥ 1950, OSU GPA ≥ 3.4, and an LSAT score ≥ the WU Law School median from the previous year Participating OSU departments: Anthropology, Economics, English, Ethnic Studies, Foreign Languages and Literatures, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Speech Communications, and Women Studies 5. Accelerated Baccalaureate (BA,BS)/Law (JD) Degree
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Impacts to Students: Great opportunity. Saves a year of time and tuition from what would normally be a seven-year process. Budget Impacts: Advisor (.1 FTE) 5. Accelerated Baccalaureate (BA,BS)/Law (JD) Degree
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Issues: 1.What if a student does not get accepted to WU Law School? (They finish the fourth year at OSU and then apply like normal.) 2.What do UHC students do? (So far, see first answer) 3.What about residency requirements for an OSU degree? (The Registrar’s office has vetted this proposal and approved the process.) Internal Liaison: Registrar’s Office University Honors College Curriculum Council vote to approve: Unanimous 5. Accelerated Baccalaureate (BA,BS)/Law (JD) Degree
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Executive Summary: Strictly a rename Gives more credibility to the major 6. Rename General Agriculture to Agricultural Science
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Impacts to Students: Nothing negative. No curriculum impacts. Better credibility in the job market. Budget Impacts: Name-transition costs. 6. Rename General Agriculture to Agricultural Science
Mike Bailey, Curriculum Council June 9, 2011 Issues: None. External Liaison: OSU Graduate Internal Liaison: Animal Sciences Agricultural Sciences Rangeland Ecology and Management Food Science and Technology Curriculum Council vote to approve: Unanimous 6. Rename General Agriculture to Agricultural Science