Anti-Transcendentalism (Gothic) Nathaniel HawthorneHerman Melville
AND Edgar Allen Poe
NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE Hawthorne was born in Massachusetts to descendants of a wealthy Puritan family Although he was not a Puritan himself, he was shaped by his heritage, especially the knowledge that one of his ancestors, Judge Hathorne, presided at the Salem witch trials Grave of Rebecca Nurse, hanged as witch
Transcendental Connections After college, Hawthorne lived in solitude at his mother’s house for 12 years, working to become a writer For a short time, he lived at a Transcendentalist commune called Brook Farm After marrying, Hawthorne moved to Concord and became a close friend of both Emerson and Thoreau
Brook Farm Brook Farm was what the transcendentalists had been looking for: individual freedom and humane relationships The members of Brook Farm believed they could create a utopian society. Hawthorne was one of the founding members but soon became disillusioned. Brook Farm
Hawthorne’s Anti-transcendentalist Thought Hawthorne found it impossible to accept Emerson and Thoreau’s optimistic view of the world. He could not get past Puritan guilt and the belief that evil is a dominant force in the world. As a result, his writing expresses a dark and gloomy view of the world.
Herman Melville Melville was born to a wealthy family, but his father’s early death left the family broke. Forced to leave school at an early age, Melville spent most of his childhood working to support his family. Worked as a farmhand, clerk, and a seaman.
Melville at Sea At 19, Melville became a sailor and spent several years in the South Pacific At 19, Melville became a sailor and spent several years in the South Pacific As a member of a whaling crew, Melville visited exotic places and spent time living among native island populations As a member of a whaling crew, Melville visited exotic places and spent time living among native island populations Melville later used these experiences in his writing. Melville later used these experiences in his writing. Most of his early writing can be categorized as adventure stories of life at sea. Most of his early writing can be categorized as adventure stories of life at sea.
Melville the Writer After success of his early novels, Melville bought a farm near Hawthorne. After success of his early novels, Melville bought a farm near Hawthorne. Hawthorne encouraged Melville’s development as a writer Hawthorne encouraged Melville’s development as a writer In 1851, Melville published Moby Dick. In 1851, Melville published Moby Dick. Book is a story of a fateful whaling trip, but also a story of a man’s search for vengeance. Book is a story of a fateful whaling trip, but also a story of a man’s search for vengeance. Moby Dick can also be read as an examination of humanity’s relationship with the natural world.
Bitter Endings Moby Dick was a critical and commercial failure. Melville’s next novels also failed, and he was forced into debt. He died in 1891, unnoticed and bitter. In the 1920’s, his work was rediscovered and praised by scholars.
Characteristics of Anti- Transcendentalism/Gothic Pessimistic rather than optimistic; viewed optimism as naïve Dwelt on guilt and remorse over past sins Human nature is inherently sinful and destructive; people have unlimited potential to do evil Spiritual forces are not necessarily good; evil is an active force in the universe Nature is vast and incomprehensible; cannot be understood by human beings Focuses on man’s uncertainty and limitations in the universe Explores the conflict between good and evil, the psychological effects of guilt and sin, and the madness and derangement of the human mind.
Edgar Allen Poe Master of Gothic literature Believed people showed their true nature in extreme situations A person’s true nature under duress is a way to find existential (meaning of life) truth
A Life Marked by Pain and Loss By age 3, father abandoned family and mother died (of tuberculosis) Had to drop out of college because of debt Foster mother died when he was 20; died (of tuberculosis) Kicked out of West Point Disinherited by his foster father
Poe Finds Love \At the age of 27, Poe married his 13-year- old cousin, Virginia Clemmons. Happy marriage – he was devoted to her!
Tragedy Strikes Again Virginia dies (of tuberculosis) Poe is devastated and plunges into despair Poe dies in 1847 Cause a mystery – Alcoholism? Syphilis? Rabies?
Characteristics of Poe’s Writing Include moral lessons Imprisonment, confinement (including being buried alive) Insane narrator Death and decay Creepy settings (castles, cellars, catacombs, etc.)
Emerson – 1803 Thoreau – 1817 Hawthorne – 1804 Poe – 1809 Melville