LET’S GET PUBLISHED! Dr Salina Hj. Kassim IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance International Islamic University Malaysia 14th March 2016
AGENDA Why publish? How to publish? Where to publish?
WHY PUBLISH? Publication as promotion requirement Build up CV Gain credibility Form collaboration YOUR contribution Perpetual/long-lasting “Publish or perish”
OBSTACLES TO PUBLISHING No time with present schedule Have “writers block” Deciding on what to write Lack of institutional support Selecting a publication for submission Afraid of rejections Concerned about peer review process
OBSTACLES TO PUBLISHING All sort of excuses Just accept the fact that This is part of the job… Just have to do it…
Co-authoring: the power of teamwork CONSIDER Co-authoring: the power of teamwork
PUBLICATION PROCESS Journal submission -Proof reading Manuscript Research Idea Working paper -Conference Seminar Manuscript -Further refinement -Identify relevant journals Journal submission -Proof reading -Manuscript preparation according to journal requirement
RESEARCH IDEA “Hot” topic vs “Passionate” topic Sources of idea: Own PhD dissertation Research group Graduate students Students’ term paper
FROM CONFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS Conference presentation is a good beginning to an article Meeting conference’s paper submission deadline means completion of one draft/working paper Next, upgrade the paper to article In fact, many conferences offer option to publish papers in their journals.
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION The power of abstract Relevant keywords “Normal” vs “tailor-made” content Meticulous – error-free
PROVIDE A CLEAN MANUSCRIPT Complying with journal’s editorial style: margin, font-size, title, heading, subheading, spacing, word-count Submit correct tables, figures, and other graphics Check. Double check, loud proof read, ensure flow All reference are listed correctly
Private: reputable vs predatory Where to Publish? List of references Google scholar -Keywords Publishers: University Private: reputable vs predatory Reference authors
ENSURING CONSISTENT OUTPUT Have a target Eg, one article per one month Once done, need to submit right away Have proper recording of output Strategize: Quality versus quantity publications General vs subject-specialty
INDEXED JOURNALS Scopus? ISI? Q? ERA Check SCIMAGO Journal websites Scopus/Web of Science database
WEB OF SCIENCE - ISI 3300 publishers - Updated weekly About 12 500 titles Physical sciences – 4200 titles Health science – >3400 titles Life Sciences – 3000 titles Social sciences – >4000 titles
SCOPUS > 5000 publishers - updated daily > 24 000 titles Physical sciences – >7400 titles Health science – >6700 titles Life Sciences – >4400 titles Social sciences – >7600 titles
High Journal frequency Higher possibility of acceptance ADDITIONAL TIPS High Journal frequency Call for papers/ Special issue Higher possibility of acceptance
WHERE NOT TO PUBLISH? Predatory list by MOHE Beal’s list of predatory journals De-listed journals
Thank You