NAPICU Parliamentary Meeting 24 th February 2016 National Minimum Standards for PICUs Caroline Parker Consultant Pharmacist, Central & North West London NHS FT and NAPICU Director of Operations
National Minimum Standards 2002 Why were standards needed?
National Minimum Standards for PICUs To ensure delivery of highest quality of care for the most ill Specifically for PICUs For clinicians: Clinical and operational For commissioners: a framework against which to assess providers Written by NAPICU: Established national (and international) work Multidisciplinary experts Patient and carer involvement and focus
National Minimum Standards (2014)
National Minimum Standards for Young People (2015) Why specific standards for YP? “Too often, guidance and standards for young people’s services are a bolt on to those produced for adult services. In order to keep them safe and improve outcomes for young people, they must be seen, understood and supported in a developmental context” (Prof Sue Bailey 2015)
Young People’s PICUs In England NHSE commission up to:167 beds across 12 sites
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