Texas Minimum Standards. State Licensing Licensing is a process administered by State governments that sets a baseline of requirements. States have regulations.


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Presentation transcript:

Texas Minimum Standards

State Licensing Licensing is a process administered by State governments that sets a baseline of requirements. States have regulations that include the requirements operations must comply with and policies to support the enforcement of those regulations.

All state licensed before and after school programs in Texas are governed by the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services. Minimum Standards are a set of rules and regulations that we follow to ensure the health and safety of the children. The purpose of this training is to provide an overview of the Texas Minimum Standards. (Licensing binder)

1.The least quantity possible or allowable 2.The lowest degree or amount reached or recorded The Minimum Standards are the least we should be doing – we should be doing more!

Maintaining Compliance Licensing uses 4 tools in the efforts to protect the children in our care and to help employees and caregivers comply with the Minimum Standards. 1.Inspections 2.Technical Assistance 3.Investigations 4.Caregivers Rights

Inspections The frequency of inspections depends on the monitoring plan the program is placed on months Consistently in compliance 6-9 months Few deficiencies 3-6 months New programs and many deficiencies

Inspections The State Licensing Representative will come to the program unannounced. When representatives arrive, the site team should acknowledge his/her arrival, ask for identification as with any visitor, and continue program operations to ensure the safety and well- being of the children. The representative will review a certain set of the Standards and may ask questions pertaining to the Standards they are evaluating. The site manager will facilitate the visit and present the requested information. The emphasis of these inspections is to prevent the risk of danger to children in the child care setting and to ensure that the children are experiencing healthy relationships with adults, adequate supervision and or/developmentally appropriate activities.

Deficiencies During the inspection, IF the licensing representative finds that the program has not met the Minimum Standards in any area, they will record a deficiency. If a deficiency is recorded, a time frame for correction is noted and the site manager will sign the monitoring form. The monitoring form must be placed in the Licensing Binder and made available for parent review. The monitoring form is public record.

Technical Assistance During the inspection, the Licensing Representative may offer consultation to the Site Manager about meeting and complying with the Standards.

Investigations When the Licensing Agency is notified of a report alleging abuse or neglect, a serious deficiency in meeting a Standard or a violation of the law, they must investigate. Following the investigation, the person in charge of the investigation will be notified in writing. It must be posted in the Licensing Binder and considered public record.

Caregiver Rights If the operation is unable to comply with a standard for economic reasons or on a good cause, they may request a waiver. If the operation disagrees with a licensing representative’s decision or action, they may request an administrative review.

Licensing MUST be notified within 48 Hours IF:  A child suffers an injury that requires medical attention  Children are placed at risk  A child or an employee has a mandated reportable disease  There are unsafe or unsanitary conditions at the program

Minimum Standard Chapters Administration Record Keeping Personnel Ratios and Group Sizes Discipline Naptime Field Trips Nutrition and Food Services Health Practices Safety Practices Physical Facilities Active Play Pools Fire Safety Transportation

ADMINISTRATION AlphaBEST must… Comply with the law Share Operational Policies with staff and parents (Family Handbook) Carry Liability Insurance Ensure reporting of suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation Ensure parents can visit at anytime

Record Keeping The Licensing Binder that is on review at the Parent Table contains all the postings that the program is required to share with parents. Each child has a folder with required forms including authorized pick-ups and medical awareness information. Each staff member has a file with required forms, documenting necessary requirements.

Personnel The Site Manager meets State Licensing Requirements and ensures that the site abides and adheres to Minimum Standards. All staff members are required to know, understand, and abide by all the regulations set forth by the licensing authority. All AlphaBEST policies are designed to support licensing standards.

Personnel Minimum Standard Number outlines the general responsibilities of caregivers: When we work with children, we must be competent in our skills and our ability to teach, discipline and guide them.

Personnel Caregivers must demonstrate that we use good judgment and self control while working with children in all situations. When a licensing representative is observing staff, they are looking to see that they are using appropriate strategies, voice tone and positive redirection. Magic Ratio 5:1 (Positives: Negatives) Engage in one-to-one interactions with children Get on the child’s level for face-to-face interactions Use a pleasant, calm voice and simple language Provide warm, responsive physical contact Help children understand expectations and redirect when they engage in challenging behavior Listen and encourage them to listen to others Acknowledge their accomplishments and effort

Personnel Licensing requires that the staff show courtesy, respect, acceptance and patience to all children. Each staff member must know the children and the ages of the group they are supervising. They must ensure that the children are not out of control.

Personnel The staff must be free of activities that do not directly involve teaching and supervising children. PERSONAL USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES, SUCH AS CELLPHONES, are PROHIBITED.

Personnel Supervision Supervising children at all times means that the assigned caregiver is accountable for each child’s care. This includes responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child, activity requirements and each child’s needs. The caregiver must intervene when necessary to ensure children’s safety.

Ratios and Group Sizes State Ratio is 1:26 AlphaBEST Ratio is 1:17

Discipline State Mandates Discipline must be: Individualized and consistent for each child Appropriate to the child’s level of understanding Directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior Directed toward teaching the child self-control AlphaBEST Positive Behavior Supports The S.T.A.R.S. acronym stands for: S- Stay Safe T- Take Ownership A- Act Responsibly R- Respect Self and Others S- Support Each Other

Nutrition and Food Services Children can bring their own snack but you must offer the snack being served. Snack Menu is posted in the Licensing Binder and the snacks listed must be served. If that snack is not available, snacks that are served must be noted. A juice must be served with the snack. Water has to be available for the children.

Health Practices Hand washing – WHEN? Before eating or handling food When you arrive to the site After personal toileting After handling or cleaning body fluids, such as wiping noses, mouths or tending to sores After outdoor activities After using any cleaners or toxic chemicals CHILDREN Before eating Before playing in a water table After toileting After outdoor activities After playing in sand Any other time that the staff has reason to believe the child has come in contact with substances that could be harmful to the child EMPLOYEES

Safety Practices Release of Children Only release children to a parent or a person designated by the parent. Parents will sign children out on authorized sign- out sheet at the parent table. **If you suspect that the person picking a child up is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you may call local police and request assistance. You may not legally prevent the child from being picked up by a parent or person designated by the parent. You will need to document the license plate and drivers license of suspicious pick –ups.**

Safety Practices All areas accessible to a child must be free from hazards. People whose behavior pose an immediate threat or danger to the health or safety of the children must not be present when children are in care. Medicine can be administered with parent authorization and documentation. Medicine is administered according to the label directions.

Safety Practices 1.A guide to administering 1 st aid 2.Adhesive tape 3.Antiseptic solution or wipes 4.Cotton balls 5.Multi-size adhesive bandages 6.Scissors 7.Sterile gauze pads 8.Thermometer 9.Tweezers 10. Waterproof, disposable gloves First Aid Kits Required and Stocked with:

Physical Facilities Daily Grounds Checklist A checklist is done daily to ensure the space is safe for the children.

Active Play STAFF… Should exit the building first and inspect the playground before the children begin playing. Should organize, supervise and observe students, making sure students are using playground equipment correctly. Should not participate in games, in order to observe all students at all times. Should be spaced around the play area when more than one group of students is utilizing the same facility to provide adequate supervision (no staff “clumping”). To maintain a safe outside environment, a monthly playground inspection must be done. Any hazards must be documented and reported to the school.

Fire Safety Staff and children should know and practice what to do in case of a fire. Staff should know the location of where the fire extinguishers are located at the program. The staff should know the procedures for exiting the building. Everyone should know the evacuation plans. It is a requirement to complete and document monthly fire drills.

Licensing Summary All AlphaBEST staff must know and comply with Texas Minimum Standards. The role of licensing is to provide a mandatory floor of program standards that will protect children from physical harm and enhance learning and development. The AlphaBEST operational policies for employees and the Family Handbook for parents include all the requirements and policies that encompass the licensing policies.