DCE 3401 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT By Prof. Dr Maimunah Ismail 6 Oct. 2010
4 Ways of Viewing CD As a Process As a Method As a Program As a Movement
CD as a Process Moves by stages from one condition to the next. Based on planned efforts, e.g. steps in program planning such as situational analysis, implementing program, etc. Educational process. Participatory process.
CD as a Method As a means to an end. As a strategy/approach/procedure. E.g. through income generating activities participated by women. E.g. through CSR approaches.
CD as a Program Implementing a set of activities. Having objectives, situational analysis, and series of activities. Involving planning, implementation, and evaluation. E.g. Rakan Muda Program, ICT Program in rural area.
CD as a Movement Becomes institutionalized. With organizational structure. To struggle for goal achievement. Normally consists of very devoted/committed individuals. E.g. ABIM, MERCY Malaysia