ADC Operations Shifts J. Yu Guido Negri, Alexey Sedov, Armen Vartapetian and Alden Stradling coordination, ADCoS coordination and DAST coordination teams)
AMOD Absolutely critical class 1 shifts which are essential for all ADC components’ smooth operations Consists of ADC experts who are qualified through an intense training and shadowing followed by a thorough evaluation by senior AMODs During the collision runs shifters required to be on-site During LS1, a system is set up to allow these shifts to be taken offsite – The classification should be determined My preference would be to keep it the same given its importance – Training and qualification process need to be finalized Since shifters are ADC experts, they have many other important duties very hard to find shifters to fill slots 3/5/132ADC Shifts
AMOD Stats. (1/1/2011 – 2/23/2013) A total of 23 dedicated experts took 743/782 shifts – 95% shift coverage – One average 32 shifts per AMOD! Optimal to have 14 shifts per shifter per year Need 26 active AMODs – Thank you for all your help! 3/5/133ADC Shifts
Shifts Fist line of defense during the collision runs, ensuring T0 data reconstruction and data transfer to T1’s and transferring muon calibration data to relevant sites – Qualified through a 3 hour tutorial on-site followed by an eight hour shadow shift Consists of many tasks (24 minimum) on shifts to carry out the above responsibilities – Many monitoring applications and shifter tools have been developed and employed for ease of operations Class 1 shift with the same shift credit rule application No shifts during LS1 This shift, however, needs to be kept up during the collision run Merger with Data Quality in discussion 3/5/134ADC Shifts
Stats. (1/1/2011 – 2/23/2013) A total of 93 dedicated shifters took 1760/1817 shifts – 97% shift coverage – One average 19 shifts per shifter! – Optimal at 12 shifts per shifter per year 92 shifters needed 3/5/135ADC Shifts
ADCoS Shifts Ensures smooth ATLAS Distributed Computing Operations on all participating sites and report to AMOD central issues Class 2 shifts and are taken offsite – We fully utilize the globalized status of the collaboration The Sun does not set in ATLAS Two tiers of shifters – Expert shifters: Highly qualified shifters who are on to assist the senior shifters Always in short supply!! Each shifter covers the entire day one week shift block at a time These shifters could be AMOD – Senior shifters: Shifters managing day-to-day ADCoS operations Optimal number is 30 active shifters in each time zone to maintain 12 shifts per year Each shifter covers only the given 8 hour shift time block These are the shifts that continues During LS1, possible increased activities anticipated – Large number of MC generations and processing – Possible data reprocessing – Cosmic ray data transfer and processing – etc 3/5/136ADC Shifts
ADCoS General Information Current Coordinators : – Alexey Sedov, Armen Vartapetian Coordination e-group (used for all questions): – atlas-adc-adcos-coordinators (9 people, all time zones) Training is required (~10 shifts) to become ADCoS – 4 steps procedure to become trainee – Each training shift is evaluated ( s to e-group above) – Promotion to a senior shifter determined by the e-group In some cases of promotion was done in a week
ADCoS Shift Stats. (2012) Senior Shifts: 54 active shifters covered total 1037/1113 shifts 93.2% coverage On average 19.2 shifts per shifter Optimal at 12/shifter need 91, short 37 Expert Shifts: 15 active shifters covered Total 342/366 shifts 93.4% coverage On average 22.8 shifts per shifter Optimal at 14/shifter need 26, short 11
DAST Shifts Support analyzers in configuring, using and debugging ATLAS physics software on the Grid and communicate to maintain quality of the analysis systems – Provide a first line defense for the DDM support team, system administrators and infrastructure teams Class 2 shifts Provide 16 hours coverage during weekdays Each shift covers 8 hours per day for a week at a time Training done via skype followed by 1 – 2 shadow shifts – Primary qualification done through a demonstration of competence Optimal number is 6 – 8 active shifters in each time zone allowing 6 – 7 week coverage per year 3/5/13ADC Shifts9
DAST Stats. (2012) 3/5/13ADC Shifts10 A total of 23 dedicated shifters took 506/522 shifts – 97% shift coverage – On average 22 shifts per shifter – Additional shifts of Level 2 experts when training is needed
Conclusions A smooth operations of ADC along with tremendous software for grid computing has been essential for timely production of important physics results Various ADC shifts have been playing essential roles in – Providing invaluable and ensuring “all-system-is-a-go” service – Providing prompt action to ensure smooth operation of data taking, reconstruction and transfer – Providing essential simulation data and grid operations – Providing responses to analyzers quality of service While the run has ended, these shifts will continue playing essential roles (perhaps even bigger roles!) – Opportunities for many people to contribute to these shifts from your own institutions 3/5/1311ADC Shifts