Aligning the Compact to the D2N2 Agenda Compact Meeting 12 August 2015 Richard Kirkland ESIF Co-ordinator, D2N2 LEP
Aligning the Compact to the D2N2 Agenda What is the D2N2 Agenda and Planning context? Challenge for D2N2 - moving from planning to delivery What are the D2N2 priorities for 2015/16? What are the Compact and D2N2 synergies – how can we align strategic priorities? ESIF as a way of getting involved in D2N2 agenda?
D2N2 Agenda defined by the planning context Key planning documents outline the D2N2 Agenda e.g. o Growth Plan / Strategic Economic Plan o Skills for Growth and Apprenticeship Strategies o ESIF Strategy and Implementation Plan o 8 Key Sector Action and Skills Plans o Social Inclusion Framework 55,000 additional private sector employee jobs in D2N2 by 2023, through a range of measures to increase business competitiveness and raise employment levels
Planning Structures D2N2 plans developed through iterative consultation with a wide range of stakeholders and include: D2N2 Board D2 and N2 Joint Committees ESIF Programme Board and Officers Group Skills Commission and ESBs 8 Sector Groups Social Inclusion Advisory Group LEP Officers Group Etc.
D2N2 Priorities 2015/16 From Planning to Delivery Governance LEP Operational Review completed in context of CAs Devolution Deal to be secured ESIF Programme gone live Enterprise Zones Boots Enterprise Zone infrastructure starts on site Derby EZ Extension in place Medipark on site Growth Deal Key Projects BioCity development starts on site D2N2 Growth Hub Phase 2 implemented Buxton Crescent on site Skills Deal signed off North Nottingham Deal signed off GD2 Funding confirmed Other Projects HS2 East Midlands Rail Hub confirmed
Identifying the synergies ESIF – Opportunity to be involved ESIF are the EC’s primary mechanism for reducing social and economic disparities across the EU. In England, these funds comprise the following elements: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) £104m Supports research, innovation, business development and infrastructure investment European Social Fund (ESF) £104m Supports skills, enhancing access to employment and social inclusion European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) - £5.5m Supports economic development in our rural areas
What will ESIF buy in D2N2 ESIF has specific outputs and outcomes: D2N2 have set the following broad targets for the programme: 5000 businesses receiving support – e.g. ICT, low carbon, SME competitiveness 400 new enterprises supported 15,000 people supported to find employment 8,000 people supported in relation to social inclusion 2,500 businesses improving skill levels
ESIF Priority Axes Innovation Promoting climate Change adaptation Enhancing access to Information And Communication Technologies SME Competitiveness Low-carbon economy in all sectors Environment and resource efficiency Better education, skills and Life long learning Social inclusion & combating poverty Employment and labour Mobility
Routes into the ESIF programme Applications for funding from the ESlF can only be submitted in response to a published call for proposals Applies to ESF and ERDF The ESIF Programme Board will oversee the investment of ESIF in D2N2
D2N2 ERDF Priorities Innovation – new products, new markets, business processes Business Support – ICT, connectivity, incubation space Access to Finance – early growth finance Rural – Business Adviser/grants (EAFRD) 8 Priority Sectors – Actions Plans for Low Carbon, Construction, Visitor Economy, Food & Drink Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Transport Equipment Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics, Creative Industries D2N2 Growth Hub
D2N2 ESF Priorities Develop employer led flexible provision to add value to mainstream activities Address Market Failure Better prepare people to secure jobs Remove barriers to employment Engage with new businesses to invest in skills Coverage and coherence across D2N2
D2N2 ESF Programmes Social Inclusion Framework Inspire Local YE (D2N2) YEI (N) CAREERS Local EMPLOY Local SKILLS Local D2N2 Growth Hub
Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty Support those who are disengaged / furthest away from employment Priorities informed by D2N2 Social Inclusion Framework Ladder of support focusing on Engagement with priority groups and employers Initiating journey towards Work Overcoming barriers to engagement – skills and experience
Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty Towards Work - £7,401,700 Support for Young people – up to 24 Older people Women returners Address barriers to work – transport, rural, mental health
Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty Multiple and Complex need - £4,634,800 Support for People with multiple barriers to work – mental health, substance misuse, reoffending, homelessness Intensive support, interventions
Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty Financial Inclusion - £3,088,500 Support to Address financial barriers to work Holistic assessment of individual financial needs and tailored interventions to move out of poverty into work
EMPLOY Local Later this year SFA opt in – matched at source - £6m ESF in total 44% / 56% Split – D2 and N2 respectively (reflects % of out of work benefit claimants across D2N2) EMPLOY Local is a gateway to SKILLS Local – moving unemployed people into skills and employment Support for unemployed to take up opportunities that lead to employment Support for SME’s to create jobs, Apprenticeships, graduate level
SKILLS Local Later this year SFA opt in – matched at source - £7m ESF total Employer responsive skills development for low skilled employees Supporting employers to create higher level skill opportunities, Apprenticeships and graduate placements etc. Skills support for those threatened with redundancy Bringing new employers to the skills system and supply chain development Pathway from EMPLOY Local
Where are we now with ESIF? ERDF First Calls for Innovation, SME Competitiveness, Low Carbon Over 41 outline applications received – oversubscribed - now inviting successful applicants to make final applications Call for ICT support to SME’s now open ESF 8 outline applications for Nottingham Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) – oversubscribed - now inviting successful applicants to make final applications Social Inclusion call closed 3 August 2015 Awaiting to see who has applied from Big Lottery and go through assessment process
Next Steps for Compact / D2N2? ESIF Significant investment in D2N2. New infrastructure in place. D2N2 to provide details for partners, businesses, communities, individuals to engage How will Compact (organisations) work in partnership with new infrastructure? Inform Compact strategic priorities? Compact to support successful delivery e.g. referral agencies into ESF programmes? Any other suggestions?
Find out more… Employment and Skills / Business Support, Innovation, Rural / General ESIF / Strategy / / Twitter: