Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Welcome Day Services, including Moving into Employment Services Supplier Engagement Event 2 nd November 2011
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Current Position The Market Snapshot Metrics on day services
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Cumbria Summary Cumbria is one of most sparsely populated authorities in the country Second largest County in England. A number of small towns are separated by large sparse rural areas The council provides adult social care services in the community for over 18,000 people in a year.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Day Services Overview of the Independent Market Nearly 2,500 sessions of day care are currently delivered every week, 130,000 every year.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Adult Social Care Zones
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Adult Social Care Rural / Urban pricing split Providers requested a clearer rural/urban split. National methodology Rurality Super Output Areas 7 towns included as rural rather than urban due to their isolation.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Day Care Current number of weekly day care sessions required by client group and zones in 2010/11
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Day Care – Current service users and day centres Maintain current demand across all areas Develop day services
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations The Shape of the Future Provider Engagement Event November 2011
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Key Principles Personalisation, choice and control A menu of services that is easier to understand Clearer pricing structure Charges for service users based on the price of the service they have chosen An efficient purchasing process with reduced reliance on block purchase
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations An Outcomes Based Approach The need is to define the funding to be given not in terms of outputs achieved or processes to be followed, but the outcomes commissioners and service users expect Contracts that: –Are results based – not just activity based –Define performance expectations and measures –Set due dates and milestones –Monitored to ensure performance and outcomes are being achieved
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Approach to Contracting Frameworks for the majority of services Reduce variation in price, and set a maximum price Describe similar services within a single specification – to reduce complexity Direct Call Off – no guarantee of business Mini Competition – for services that require ‘block purchase’ Continue to ensure choice of provision
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 Day Services and Moving into Employment Services The Design of Framework 3
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Consultation Feedback Positive comments re buildings based services from existing service users who: –Valued long term friendships –Felt safe and secure –Would like more trips into the community –Recognised the value of respite for carers Little support for day opportunities People declining to attend were not surveyed Providers ask for flexibility in tender process
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 – slide 1 Proposal for your consideration Single LOT and Service Specification for all adult day services All services purchased via Direct Call Off Opportunity to submit prices for: – Venue / Group based day services, and/or – Community Based/ Individualised day services – Moving into Employment services
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 – slide 2 Opportunity to describe the needs you cater for to define your service type Provider numbers – not restricted? Hours of business – as defined by the provider in their submission Location – by Zone (District) – as chosen by the provider Transport – if so, at what cost per individual per session
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 - slide 3
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 – slide 4 Example A
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 – slide 5 Example B Not in conjunction with other areas of support need
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 – slide 6 Example C
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 – slide 7 Therefore, for each service please indicate your: Price per full day session for venue based / group activities Price per half day session for venue based / group activities Price for an additional hour for venue based / group activities (if offered) Price per hour for community based / individualised activities Prices must not exceed the maximum indicated Prices must be exclusive of transport and meals
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations How will providers be paid? Direct Call-Off - two weekly Invoice by adjustment Individual Service Funds reconciled quarterly Electronic recording will not apply to day services
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Procurement Process
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations How can providers get onto the Framework? 2 stage process – PQQ / ITT Ability to define each service by the needs you cater for Can specify areas in which you wish deliver Service user choice of provider for Direct Call Off
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations What is a Framework Agreement? UK Public Procurement Regulations: 2006 define it as: “an agreement or other arrangement between one or more contracting authorities and one or more economic operators which establishes the terms (in particular, the terms as to price, and where appropriate, quantity) under which economic operator will enter into one or more contracts with a contracting authority in the period during which the framework agreement applies”. In most cases a Framework agreement is not a contract, but the procurement to establish such is subject to EU Procurement rules.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Benefits to the Council: They set out the terms and conditions but place no obligations, in themselves, on the procurers to buy anything. Council not tied to the agreements, therefore free to use the frameworks when they provide value for money, but to go elsewhere if they do not.
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 Timetable (1) OJEU notice placed on the CHEST by 14th Nov 2011 PQQ Tender documentation placed on the CHEST by 15th Nov 2011 Closing date for submissions (PQQ) 5th Jan (52 days due to Christmas holidays) Evaluation of PQQ stage from 11th Jan to 25th January 2012 Shortlist and send out unsuccessful letters from 26th Jan to 1st February 2012
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Framework 3 Timetable (2) Place ITT documents on the CHEST by 1st February 2012 Closing date for submissions – 12th March Evaluation of ITT stage submissions from 19th March to 6th April Send out intention to award letters by 16th April 2012 Standstill (15 days) from 17th April to 2nd May Implement contracts from 3rd May to 31st May 2012 Contract start date 1st June 2012
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Tendering Tips! Diane Sullivan
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Tendering Tips! –Check out the scoring system, it will be in the tender papers – an ‘acceptable’ answer doesn’t score the maximum points –Read the questions carefully – note the score attached to the questions –Make sure you have fully answered the question – check if it is a 2-part question for example –Try to answer the question in the order it is asked – ensure the layout of your response makes for easy reading –Assume the evaluator doesn’t know anything about your service –Be specific with your answers don’t waste words repeating yourself –Stay within the word count –If a current provider don’t assume that what we know about your current service will be considered for the tender – if it is not in the documentation it can’t be taken into account
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Tendering Tips! –Ensure the most appropriate person in your org. completes the tender documentation. If you know you can deliver the service being tendered but are not confident about completing the paperwork it is worth getting help/advice –Don’t assume the evaluator understands acronyms –Only submit attachments if asked for – ensure they are labelled with the question to which they are relevant – and don’t forget to actually upload! –All notifications, clarifications etc will go via The Chest to the organisation’s nominated contact on The Chest – because everything is dealt with via The Chest we cannot send info out to any other person – make sure the named person in your organisation is aware of their responsibility to share/pass on any information/requests made via The Chest –It is worth getting someone else, not involved with putting the tender together, to read through your paperwork before submission to check it makes sense/flows/is relevant –Give yourself PLENTY of time to upload your submission on to The Chest – it will take longer than you think! Late submissions are automatically marked as such and cannot be considered – there is no leeway on this
Building pride in Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Group Workshops and your opportunity to give us your views 1.Does the single LOT give the flexibility you need? 2.What are your views on the proposed maximum prices? 3.Will the ‘areas of support need’ enable you to define your service? – give you more flexibility? 4.What are your views on length of session at 6- hours or 3-hours? 5.Any other comments or issues regarding the design of the Framework you would like to raise?