Friends of Public Health Inc. Incorporated September 2004
Mission and Vision Mission is: To seek funds to develop and/or augment programs that address public health issues in Williamson County. Vision: To engage, inspire and educate the people of Williamson County to build healthy communities.
Friends of Public Health Staff supported by Community Health Promotion Division of the Williamson County and Cities Health District. Board Chair also on the Williamson County Board of Health.
Thanks to Greene County Let me be very clear up-front we would never gotten as far as we have without Irene Warren, with the Greene Community Health Foundation, assistance.
Why Friends of Public Health The local health department funds for health promotion is dependent on having grant funds to sustain it. Funds come from United Way, foundations, special population based grants, and local businesses.
Beginning in 2000 More and more funding organizations required a 501(c) 3 number and the local health district was tax exempt but not a non profit. Grants were being returned or denied because of the lack of a non profit #.
Williamson County Board of Health The Williamson County and Cities Health District staff approached the Williamson County Board of Health (which has administrative authority for the Health District) to explore if a non profit was develop would they assist in making it happen. Three of the members are founding members of the 501(c)3.
Certification of Incorporation The Secretary of State of Texas certified the Friends of Public Health Inc. on September 27, Purpose is to seek funds to develop and/or augment programs that address public health issues in Williamson County Texas.
December 8, 2004 We received our IRS notification Since 12/08/04. Nine grants applied for Five grants successfully funded One fund-raiser concluded
Challenges Full understanding within the staff of the Health District on how Friends of Public Health Inc. works. Making sure each Board member is invested in the mission.
Friends of Public Health, Inc.
Please visit our web site for more information.