Sridevi Mohan, MPH, MA Jennifer Fischer, MSSW June 13, 2016 Growing Capacity to Meet the Need: Exploring Opportunities for Partnerships Between Aging & Public Health Agencies
History Public Health Madison/Dane County ADRC of Dane County
Why collaborate????
Dane county population estimate 2014 (percent growth) Age GroupMalesFemalesTotalPercent Change from ,06844,64491,7123% ,65715,46931,126-5% ,22324,99850,2216% ,34218,87639,218-8% ,56319,75640,31911% ,42417,15734,5817% ,14316,08932,232-1% ,17234,12867,300-2% ,53731,43660,9738% ,95219,01335,96535% ,1369,56316,6996% 85+2,8455,7828,62711% Total252,062256,911508,9734% Source: WI DHS population estimates
County Public Health & Human Services agency City/County Agency: Public Health County agency: Aging and Disability Resource center
A New Vision… A society/community that: addresses the basic needs of older residents (affordable housing, safety, food security, transportation, culturally and linguistically appropriate services); celebrates diversity, refutes ageism and reduces inequities; ensures equal opportunities for achieving optimal mental, physical, social wellbeing that enhances quality of life; and provides age-friendly environments and opportunities for all older residents to enhance their independence and age-in-place.
Creating healthy communities Source: Creating Healthy Communities for an Aging Population, May Minnesota Dept. of Health
Collaborative efforts Public Health Access to care among Dane county residents (long-term care needs) Healthy Aging profile - community context SNAP participation among older adults in Dane county (to inform food insecurity) Community Paramedic ADRC Dental care coordination Increase immunization outreach at senior meal sites Current data/evaluation Expanding outreach Health and racial equity training Care Transitions
Specific examples… Dementia care network Falls prevention task force Grant opportunities Technical assistance
Lessons learned… Start the conversation Good communication Build trust Share ideas Build consensus Leverage resources Grow together It’s a long way…but there is always a start!! There will be hurdles along the way !!!
Environment of our seniors is