Destiny of the Earth : 1. Abraham 4:1; 3:24“Organized” The God’s organized and formed the heavens and the earth. We will make an earth whereon these may dwell Nephi 2:22-23 “The fall” If Adam would have not transgressed he would have remained in the Garden forever. 3.Genesis 7:19-20 “Baptism” And the waters prevailed and covered the mountains.
4. D&C 88:17-22; Article of Faith #10, “Holy Ghost” Paradisiacal Glory. It must needs be sanctified from all unrighteousness and prepared for celestial glory. 5. Isaiah 65:17-25; Moses 7:64“Terrestrial” Millennial conditions. 1,000 years the earth shall rest. 6. D&C 88:26 The earth shall die and be quickened and the righteous shall inherit it. 7. D&C 29:22, 23; 88:25-26“Celestial” A new heaven and a new earth. The earth abideth the law of a celestial kingdom, for it filleth the measure of its creation.
The Book of Genesis The book of Genesis is one of the most important written documents in the world. As a record of cultural and historical significance it is unsurpassed, and as a scripture that chronicles God’s interaction with mankind it is of infinite worth. Genesis is the book of beginnings. In its pages we have the scriptural account of the creation of the heavens, the earth, life on earth, and the human race. Genesis also contains the record of covenants that God made with the earliest of generations of humankind. As such it is of profound significance to the Saints of the last days, who are the heirs of those covenants. Among other scriptural records Genesis is unique in many ways, and the contributions that it makes to our religion immeasurable.
Genesis can be outlined in the following way (with the greatest detail given to the sections discussed in Genesis The Creation(1:1-2:25) 2. Adam and Eve in Eden (3:1-24) 3. The rise and spread of the works of Satan (4:1-24) 4. The lineage of the priesthood (4:25-5:32) 5. The wickedness of mankind before the flood (6:1-13) 6. The flood (6:14-8:22)
7. Noah and his descendants (8:1-10:32) 8. The Tower of Babel (11:1-9) 9. Abraham (11:10-25:8) 10. Isaac (25:9-27:46) 11. Jacob (28:1-38:30) 12. Joseph (39:1-50:26)
The Creation It is not unlikely that the principles of science as understood today will never be able to explain the divine powers and the divine actions that created these things (Moses 1:30-31). Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote: Our analysis properly begins with the frank recital that our knowledge about the Creation is limited. We do not know the how and why and when of all things. Our finite limitations are such that we could not comprehend them if they were revealed to us in all their glory, fullness, and perfection. What has been revealed is that portion of the Lord’s eternal work which we must believe and understand if we are to envision the truth about the Fall and the Atonement and thus become heirs of salvation. This is all we are obligated to know in our day (“Christ and the Creation,” 1985, 77-90). We will eventually know. That time is the Millennium (Doctrine & Covenants 101:32-34).
Perhaps the most powerful message that is contained in the Genesis creation account (and the other accounts as well) is that the Creation was a deliberate act of God! We also learn from the Genesis account that the crowning achievement of the Creation was man! From our present-day perspective, the period of time between the fall of Adam and the ministry of Abraham is the most mysterious times in scriptural history. Genesis 1-11 covers the first 2,000 years of the Old Testament.
From the combined scriptural accounts of Genesis, Moses, and Ether, we can see that a most characteristic feature of this period was contrast – the ever-present contrast between God, his people and their works, and Satan, his people and their works. 2 major themes: 1. The Messiah 2. The Covenant
Seven Major Dispensations : 1. Adam 2. Enoch 3. Noah 4. Abraham 5. Moses 6. Jesus Christ 7. Joseph Smith
Three things necessary in order to have a restoration ! 1. Doctrine 2. Ordinances 3. Authority
Seven ways to better understand the Old Testament 1. Constant diligent, and prayerful study 2. A commitment to live the commandments 3. Use of Latter-day scriptures 4. The Gospel was known to the ancients 5. Understanding the nature of God 6. Covenants 7. Put ourselves in the place of the ancients (I Nephi 19:23)
The Four greatest events in the history of the world! 1. The Creation 2. The Fall 3. The Atonement 4. The Resurrection
How old is the earth ? 1. 1 day =1,000 years =13,000 years 2. 1 day =24 hours = 6,000 years 3. 1 day =An era of time =? Conclusion: The Lord has not seen fit to formally reveal the details (Doctrine & Covenants 25:4)