Archetypes: Unit Test Review
Archetypes Archetypes apply to all of us: across cultures, generations, time, location, etc. This makes them…. UNIVERSAL
The Hero… Struggles for: Something important! Engages in tests of: Strength Has a loyal band of: Companions Gets help from: The Supernatural
The Hero also… Makes a: Stirring Speech Fights: Monsters Gains: Wisdom or Knowledge Travels: Over Water
Types of Heroes Frodo Baggins, the Hobbit, would be considered an: Anti-Hero Gilgamesh is an example of an: Epic Hero
Symbols The serpent = The Devil Water= Re-birth (Think about baptisms) Rainbow= God’s covenant (promise) not to destroy humans again
Gilgamesh He is _____ parts “god.” 2/3 His best friend is _____. Enkidu… …who dreams of death which is filled with… DUST
The Flood Enlil destroys humanity because: They are too noisy Utnapishtim pleases Enlil with a sacrifice and is rewarded with: Immortality Gilgamesh is interested in this story because he wants: IMMORTALITY!
What happens? Does Gilgamesh get his wish? Yes and No…. He achieves immortality through his legend and his great city.
What’s up with all this repetition? Many phrases in “Gilgamesh” and “Genesis” are repeated over and over. Why? These stories and myths derived from ORAL TRADITION.
Enough about the epic, already! The epic poem must contain such conventions as… An opening statement of: Theme In the middle of… : In “media res” Epic similes which are: extended comparison using “like” or “as.” And Epithets (stock phrases.)
Genesis Some believe that the Bible is the direct: Word of God Others believe that there are many: Sources Archetypal settings include: Watery chaos, universe of opposites, a circle, a tree that connects heaven and earth
Adam and Eve Adam was created from: Dust Eve was made from: Adam’s rib The serpent persuaded Eve: To eat the forbidden fruit. After eating, Adam and Eve realized that they were: Naked and ashamed!
Punishment! The serpent: Eternal conflict with humans. Eve: Pain in childbirth and submission to her husband. Adam: Forever toil and work the land for food.
Insult to Injury… Last of all, Adam and Eve were banished from the garden to keep them away from the tree of life which could give them…. IMMORTALITY!
The Story of the Flood This flood is a punishment for: Wickedness It also includes helpful tips like “Don’t eat…” …raw meat, and don’t shed… the blood of man!” The story also teaches a lesson about respecting: Your elders …when Ham… sees Noah naked!
The Wooden People This myth comes from the: Mayans Their god is called: The Maker, Modeler The “manikins” are: Crusty, dry, deformed, simple, and unappreciative of their god
Retribution The dogs were angry because: They were not fed. The pots and griddles were angry because they had been: Burned The Wooden People are punished with: A flood, crushed faces, gouged eyeballs, torn flesh, and snapped heads!
And finally… _____ are a reminder from the gods of the Wooden People and their terrible fate.
The End Study your notes and have a great weekend!