Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo1. Roadmap for the seminar
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo2 Ea Maria Blomqvist, Åbo Akademi University Env & SD/ESD-co-ordinator for Åbo Akademi University since 1999 Co-ordinator/co-worker for projects on national & international platforms for ESD (funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education & Culture, NCM, ÅAU etc.) supporting national SD strategies, UNECE, Baltic 21 E, The UN-DESD-process & Millennium Development Goals. Member of the BUP-family: Center Director for the Finnish National BUP-centre located at ÅAU Board member of the UniPID-network Chairperson for the steering group for UniPID Virtual studies on Sustaianability in Development Stearing group member for the FinCEAL initiative on Innovation transforming to Africa & the LAC-reg etc
This seminar will deal with the challenges regarding Education for Sustainability in higher education: the need for holistic thinking, interdisciplinary/ trans-disciplinary dialogues, holistic thinking, problem-based active learning environments, defining of expected learning outcomes; to support coherent action oriented competence development for sustainability among teachers & students Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo3
Our Nordic project ”Development of the Nordic Higher Education Networks for Sustainable Development and Green Campus” ( ) (Summit) Our involvement in the Baltic University Network (since 1991) Our Finnish national SD-forum for HEI (Keke-foorumi), initiated 2008 as a joint partnership after several interactive national and international projects funded by the Finnish Ministry for Eduction & Culture etc Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo4 Serving 3 HEI networks
To summit & bring further our Nordic project* ”Development of the Nordic Higher Education Networks for Sustainable Development and Green Campus” ( ); enhancing a stronger platform for Nordic co-operation regarding ESD and strengthen the role of sustainability in policy making and campus greening. *coordinated by Åbo Akademi University (ESD) and by Aalto University (Campus greening, financed via the Nordic Council of Ministers) Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo5
Serving the BUP-family Co-funding for this seminar is provided through Finnish BUP-project funding to ÅAU, via the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Supporting the role that the Finnish national BUP-center at Åbo Akademi University has taken in arranging international “teachers training conferences on ESD” for the whole network in co-operation with the BUP secretariat in Uppsala (usually we gather in Poland with perfect logistic and management support from Lodz University (The Polish National BUP-center as the local partner) Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo6
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo7 With one year left of the UN-Decade ( ) for Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), furthering the Millennium Development Goals & National SD-Goals there is much to be done; locally nation-wise and as global responsible actors. Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo 8 short films on: An agenda for global responsibility pB8r_xI
BUP-on-line interdisciplinary course material for studies on sustainaibility on uu.se/index.php/intro duction uu.se/index.php/intro duction
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo10 Why are we here today? The main focus of this conference is: NOT TO: review the present ecological-, socio-economical and cultural “un-sustainable development”, review international, intergovernmental, national or regional declarations and strategies in detail. BUT TO: evaluate and define the need for change, review the framework for SD & ESD in Higher Education, provide tools and motivation for a more holistic view; interconnecting environmental, socio-cultural, ethical and economic perspectives, discuss & urge for actions to meet the challenges in Higher Education. VIA: discussing & reviewing general incentives, obstacles and means for implementing ESD in Higher Education, presenting some cases & good practice from different fields & research based evaluations of learning outcome. IN ORDER TO: motivate and dedicate us to promote tools and skills for professional and personal actions for SUSTAINABILITY, “Safeguard & Sustain Higher Education” (!?) Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo11 Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU How do we manage to interconnect the issues around ESD into research and curricula-development: i) since most researchers still lack the courage for and/ or experiences from interdisciplinary projects! ii) since many funding organization still consider these issues as ”risky investment” or as “a task of interest for someone else” iii) since many/ or most evaluators/reviewers still lack the courage or consider these issues as “non-scientific” or “weak”
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo12 Goals… Our goals are comparable to The Portland State University Campus - wide expected learning outcome: ’’ Discliplinar and/or Professional Expertise Creative and Critical Thinking Communication skills (social, academic and professional) Diversity Ethics and Social Responsibility Internationalization Engagement Sustainability (abilities to identify, act on, evaluate our professional and personal actions; and to interconnect environmental, social and economic perspectives)’’
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo13 Some lessons learned & missions to follow: …will hopefully be evaluated during these two days… The organizers welcome you all to contribute to the discussions and to: Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU Ea Maria Blomqvist, ÅAU
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo14 … TAKE SOME STEPS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT…
Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget Åbo15 Welcome to this conference!