Amy E. Duray EVPP January 2010
MDGs – the 5 W’s A. Who? The United Nations B. What? Established the Millennium Development Goals in 2000 as part of world summit of global leaders – these were time-bound and quantifiable targets aimed at improving extent of world poverty by the year – the UN Millennium Declaration C. When? , with bi-annual reviews. D. Where? Everywhere affected by poverty E. Why? To assure basic human rights – defined by UN Millennium Project as: “the rights of each person on the planet to health, education, shelter, and security.”
MDG Movie Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
MDGs and the Environment Review Table 1.1 GEO-4
Asia-Pacific Region and the MDGs UNESCAP: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ( MDG Movie: A Future Within Reach
Key Regional Priorities for Asia in the GEO-4 Report Transport and Urban Air Quality Freshwater Stress Valuable Ecosystems Agricultural Land Use Waste Management