Early Bird Math Welcome and Introductions Patty Griffin Gifted Educational Specialist Victoria Bohidar Elementary Math Specialist Skip Tyler Secondary Math Specialist Jane Williams Early Bird Course 2 Gifted Teacher HCPS Math website:
Mathematics Pathways
Early Bird Math
Bridging the Gap Instruction for Early Bird content (including all 5 th, 6 th, 7 th, and selected 8 th grade SOL), if needed, will be at an accelerated pace.
Early Bird Content 5 th Grade Classifying angles and triangles Elapsed time Tree diagrams Stem-and-leaf plots Mean, median, mode, and range Variable expressions Prime and composite numbers Apply order of operations
Early Bird Content 6 th Grade Percentages Ratios Integers Multiplication/division of fractions Circumference/area of a circle Circle graphs Area of polygons Model and solve one step linear equations Ordered pairs in four quadrants Arithmetic and geometric sequences
Early Bird Content 7 th Grade Simplify expressions Properties of operations with real numbers Proportional reasoning Volume and surface area Transformations on coordinate plane Experimental/theoretical probability Histograms Solve two step linear equations and inequalities Scientific notation Solve problems with integers Fundamental Counting Principle Square numbers/square roots
Early Bird Content 8 th Grade Solve practical problems: discounts, balancing a checkbook Volume and surface area Apply transformations Scattergrams Construct 3-D models Pythagorean Theorem Two-step equations and inequalities Graph linear equations in two variables Create and solve problems: proportions, formulas, functions
Academic Rigor Students will be expected to supplement classroom instruction with independent review and practice as needed in order to maintain adequate progress at the accelerated pace. Students are expected to maintain a B average in the Early Bird Course. Students will take the Math 7 SOL
Implications Impact on SAT/ACT: The SATs are typically given the 11 th grade year and primarily assess Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. Students will need to review content. Impact on Grade Point Average: Grades earned in middle school for high school credit courses are not included in the high school GPA. This may impact the student’s high school class rank. Students accepted to IB will attend Moody Impact on Junior/Senior Year: Dual enrollment college classes
Early Bird Overview Course 2 pacing guide available at HCPSCourse2/pacing.html Daily Routine Course Supply List Summer Packet
Additional Information Making the Best Decision Mathematics Pathway for Gifted Students Transportation Information Reply Form
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