Whiteley Wanderers Youth Football Club Needs Volunteers HFA Community Club of the year Presentation by Ian Binks Club Chairman & Charter Standard Co-coordinator
Aims Club History. Current Position. Club Objectives. Why WWYFC Needs VOLUNTEERS. Benefits and Recognition for Volunteering. Togetherness, Summary and Who to contact?
Club History Katie and Stuart Gray founded Whiteley Wanderers Youth Football Club back in 1998 with 1 youth team. Now 16 years on from being established the Club caters for 330 boys, girls and youths ranging from years of age within a total of 25 teams. Whiteley Wanderers are associated to the 2 Whiteley adult teams. In April 2011 The Club was awarded Charter Standard Community Status, a significant achievement and the Club is one of only 23 Clubs who hold this accolade out of 290 affiliated to Hampshire FA. Teams play in the Mid Solent Youth League, The South Hants Glass Youth League, Southampton Tyro League, EDMSL, Portsmouth U21 League and Girls teams compete in the newly formed Southampton and District Girls Football League. The home venue for the Club is the Meadowside Sports Fields. The Club was rewarded by winning the Winchester & District Club of the year for In 2013 the Club received the HFA Community Club of the year accolade.
Current Position The Club has a good relationship with both DC Leisure and the Whiteley Town Council. It relies heavily on the Whiteley Town Council for support through facility usage. The Club has grown to 25 teams commencing the Season. The Club has 40+ FA Qualified Coaches. Cost of a basic Course is £ Level 2 is £350. Each volunteer Coach requires a CRC £10, Safeguarding Workshop £21, Emergency Aid £21. Volunteer administrators are key to our functional requirements. Player Membership Subscriptions are £12.50 per calendar month or a one off payment of £ The Management Committee consists - Chairman, Vice Chairman, Club Secretary, Child Welfare Officers, Treasurer, Website Co-ordinator.
Club Objectives ♥ The Club operates an inclusive policy where children of all abilities are encouraged to play and enjoy their football experience in a safe, fun environment. ♥ The core values are promoted within the volunteer workforce and through policy documents. ♥ The Club ensures its aims and objectives reflect the views of its members, volunteers, and partners through hosting regular committee meetings and forums and holds an AGM. The aims and objectives are open to review or change following consultation with members and taking a vote. ♥ To have a Club owned headquarters in the heart of the community (Purpose built Clubhouse). ♥ To prepare for the anticipated future growth of the Club.
Why WWYFC needs Volunteers? To help spread the work load! To keep our organisation alive! To bring in fresh and new ideas! To achieve our aims and objectives! Ultimately to get things done and operate effectively!
The VOLUNTEER!! Volunteers are the life blood of every non profit organisation, effective volunteers go a long way to achieving the organisation’s goals, objectives and most importantly their outcomes!! There is no "I" in Team but there is a “U" in Volunteer! Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless!
Volunteering Benefits Be part of a team and have a greater understanding of how vital it is to work together to achieve success. Opportunity to do something different that you can reflect on and be immensely proud that you made a significant contribution. To Demonstrate your skills. It can be Individually rewarding.
Benefits Continued Increase your knowledge, experience and gain new skills/qualifications. Personal satisfaction that you helped make a difference. Sense of purpose. Opportunity to meet new people. Raise your profile in the community. Opportunity to promote the goals and image of the organisation you serve.
Recognition For Volunteering Private/personal letter of thanks from Club. Presented with annual award. (Club contribution of the year award) Long service awards presented by the Club, Hampshire CFA & the FA. Thank you through a gift of flowers, chocolates or a trophy. Recognition through FA Community Awards. Profile raised within the Community.
Togetherness is Vital ♥ Coming Together was the Beginning! ♥ Keeping Together established Progress!! ♥ Working Together has resulted in SUCCESS!!! ♥ To remain Together & be Successful WWYFC Needs Committed VOLUNTEERS. ♥ PLEASE GET IN TOUCH TO OFFER YOUR SUPPORT?
Summary Whiteley Wanderers Youth Football Club needs additional volunteers! If you are interested in helping out at one of the most successful Youth Football Clubs in Hampshire please contact the Chairman Ian Binks