TEEN LIVING MRS. WILSON Notes 4.02 Parliamentary Procedure
What is Parliamentary Procedure? A set of rules for conduct at a meeting. Allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion.
Purpose of Parliamentary Procedure To transact business To maintain order To give fair chance to all members To keep the spirit of group harmony
Rules/Principles Democratic and fair to all members Courtesy and justice for all members Only 1 item of business can be addressed at a time Minority must be heard Majority wins Members must be recognized by the chair before they can speak
Voting Used to make decisions within the group Types Voice: say “Aye” or “No” Show of Hands: raise hands and count Ballot: pass out a paper ballot, have members write their vote and count
Parliamentary Vocabulary Majority The largest number of votes; must win by more than half of total votes (100 people = 51 votes) Minority The group with fewest votes Motion A suggested plan that can be approved or rejected by members
Parliamentary Vocabulary Amend To change or modify a motion Division of the House To ask for and take a revote Gavel Small wooden hammer used to start and end a meeting Audit A formal check of money coming in and going out
Agenda Call to order Chair begins meeting by banging gavel Invocation Opening of a meeting with prayer, reading, song, etc Roll Call Checking for presence of members Minutes A written record of everything that happens in the meeting; must be read and approved
Agenda Treasurer’s Report Money report Committee Reports Unfinished Business Business is addressed that was not completed at last meeting New Business New motions and suggestions are made and discussed Adjournment The closing of a meeting
Roles of Group Members Blocker Shuts out all ideas that are not their own. Compromiser Is willing to give in a little to make the group work well together. Distracter Tries to get everyone off task by blurting out off the wall subjects.
Roles of Group Members Dominator Always wants to be in control and thinks they have the best ideas. Encourager Motivates the group and is excited about suggestions. Follower Goes along with the group no matter what their own opinion might be.
Roles of Group Members Initiator/Contributor The one who gets the meeting started. Integrator The one who brings more that one idea together and notices similarities and differences. Recognition Seeker The one who tries to claim the prize. Summarizer The one who sums up the meeting and makes sure everyone is clear on the details.