Parliamentary Procedure Obj. 1.02: Understand parliamentary procedure abilities and public speaking skills.


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Presentation transcript:

Parliamentary Procedure Obj. 1.02: Understand parliamentary procedure abilities and public speaking skills

What is Parliamentary Procedure? Using well-defined rules to conduct business through a formal, organized approach Robert’s Rules of Order – book of parliamentary authority by Henry M. Robert By-laws – written document that gives the mission of the group

Why use Parli Pro? Extend courtesy to everyone Focus on one item at a time Observe the rule of the majority Protect the rights of the minority

Parli Pro Vocab “Floor, Body, House or Assembly” – used to describe those assembled as voting delegates in a business meeting Agenda – list of items prepared before the meeting date to be discussed or done during the meeting

Order of Business Sequence followed in conducting a business meeting Vary from different organizations Example in FFA Chapters: Call to order Reading/approval of minutes from previous meeting Treasurer’s report Report from Standing (permanent) Committees responsible for the POA Old (unfinished) business New business Adjournment

“The Chair” Official term for the person presiding If the president is presiding, the proper address is Mr./Madam President If the president is not presiding, the person should be referred to as Mr./Madam Chairman or Chairsperson The Chair keeps the meeting moving in a smooth fashion Must be fair and impartial without infringing on the rights of the members

PAUSE In your groups, nominate a: President (the chair) Vice president Treasurer Secretary Reporter Sentinel Advisor Practice the Opening Ceremony

Quorum The number or percentage of members established in the by-laws that must be present at the business meeting in order to legally conduct business Keeps a small group from enacting rules and motions that do not represent the group as a whole If not established in the bylaws as a lower percentage or number a quorum is usually 51% of membership

The Gavel Represents/symbol of authority Taps of the gavel: 1 tap = sit down, announce completion of a vote, adjournment 2 taps = the meeting is called to order 3 taps = all members stand Series of taps = restore order

PAUSE As an officer team, you will create a flow chart script that includes the following abilities: Main Motion Amend Point of Order Division of House Adjourn

Main Motion Used to present a new item of business for consideration Must be made by a person who has received proper recognition Maker states the motion by starting with “I move…” Only one main motion can be on the floor or before the group at the same time Must be seconded Can be debated Can be amended Requires majority vote for adoption Can be reconsidered

Steps in Making and Handling Motions 1. Member stands and addresses the presiding officer, “Mr./Madam President,” 2. Member waits for recognition 3. Presiding officer assigns the floor by giving recognition to speak 4. Member states his/her motion by saying “I move...” 5. Another member seconds the motion 6. The chair states, “The motion has been made and seconded to _____________” and announces whether the motion is debatable, amendable and the vote required” PAUSE TO WRITE MAIN MOTION

Voting Voice vote – “All those in favor say ‘aye’, all those opposed say ‘no’” Visual vote – members either stand or raise their hands Roll call – each member’s name is called and asked for their vote Secret ballot – written vote, usually used during elections or nominations

Steps in Making and Handling Motions - Voting 7. “The Chair” calls for discussion if the motion is debatable by saying some form of, “Is there any discussion?” 8. “The Chair” restates the motion and calls for a vote Ex. “The motion before us is to have a banquet” “All in favor of this motion say ‘aye’, all opposed say ‘no’” 9. “The Chair” announces the result of the vote by telling four things: Result of voting, “The ‘ayes’ have it” or “The ‘no’s’ have it” Declare if the motion is adopted (passes) or lost (not passed) Tells the effect of the vote or orders the execution of the vote Announce the next item to be considered or says that the floor is open for further business

PAUSE Discuss your main motion and how you will be voting on this Decide who will vote ‘aye’ and ‘no’ Determine whether or not your motion passes Move on to the next item of business

Amendment Used to change a motion by striking out, adding, or substituting words Motion to amend must be made by a person who has received proper recognition The maker states the motion by preceding it with, “I move to amend the motion by…” Only one amendment can be considered at a time Must be seconded Can be debatable Can be amended Requires a majority vote for adoption Can be reconsidered

PAUSE Using the same format to make a main motion, decide on a motion to amend This can be the motion you previously just made OR you can make up a past motion to amend For example: “I move to amend the motion of having a banquet” Decide if there is any discussion Take it to a vote

Point of Order Used to correct a parliamentary mistake or enforce rules Member rising to a “point of order” does not have to wait for recognition and will say, “I rise to point of order” or “point of order” Member should stand and may interrupt another speaker Does not have to be seconded Cannot be debated Cannot be amended It is a demand and must be ruled upon by the chair It cannot be reconsidered

PAUSE First, decide on a “mistake” that is to be made For example, maybe a motion was not seconded before discussion or voting Maybe a member was not given recognition before speaking Decide who will make the point of order In your script, insert the point of order after the “mistake” has been made

Division of the House (Assembly) Used to get a re-vote by asking for a “rising” vote on a “voice” vote or “hand” vote Member asking for a “Division” does not have to wait for recognition and may simple say: “Division” OR “I call for a division of the house” OR “I call for a division” when the chair is announcing the result of the vote Member seeking a division does not have to stand Does not have to be seconded Cannot be debatable Cannot be amended It is a demand and must be followed if called for It cannot be reconsidered

PAUSE Division of the House occurs as the chair is announcing the result of a vote Example: The Chair says, “The ‘ayes’ have it, -” or “The ‘no’s’ have it, -” Member says, “I call for a division” Decide where to add a Division of the House in your script

Refer to a Committee Used to place the motion into the hands of a small group Motion to refer must be made by a person who has received proper recognition Maker states the motion by preceding it with, “I move we refer this motion to…”

Refer to a Committee The maker of the motion should include the number on the committee, how they are to be appointed, their powers or duties and when they are to report back or act Powers to be identified include: Power to act for the group Power to investigate and report back Power to investigate and make recommendations Must be seconded Can be debatable Can be amended Requires a majority vote Can be reconsidered

Previous Question Formal motion to stop discussion Motion to stop discussion must be made by a person who has received proper recognition Maker states the motion by preceding it with, “I move the previous question” or “I move to stop (close) debate” Motion should be reserved until much discussion has been made and no new ideas are being presented Must be seconded Cannot be debated Cannot be amended Requires 2/3 vote for adoption and if passed requires an immediate vote on the pending question without any further discussion Can be reconsidered when the vote was affirmative before any vote is taken under it

Appeal Used to ensure that the majority of the group agrees with a ruling of “The Chair” Often used when one does not agree with the ruling on a point of order Member “appealing the decision of ‘The Chair’” does not have to wait for recognition and will say, “I appeal the decision of the chair”

Appeal Member should stand and may interrupt another speaker Must be seconded Can be debated if the ruling pertained to a debatable motion Cannot be amended Majority or tie vote sustains the decision of the chair Can be reconsidered

Suspend the Rules Used to temporarily suspend the rules of an organization Motion “to suspend the rules” must be made by a person who has received proper recognition Maker states the motion by saying, “I move to suspend the rules of” Can be applied to any rule of the assembly except by-laws Must be seconded Cannot be debated Cannot be amended Requires a 2/3 vote to pass Cannot be reconsidered

Adjourn Use to close the meeting Motion “to adjourn” must be made by a person who has received proper recognition Maker states, “I move to adjourn.” Motion takes precedence over all other motions except “fix the time to which to adjourn” Must be seconded Cannot be debated Cannot be amended Requires a majority vote Cannot be reconsidered

PAUSE End your meeting with adjourning