Classical Civilizations of China & India
Political Dynasties of China The first recoded histories of China began with the Shang Dynasty. A Dynasty is a political system in which Emperors pass control to family members. Emperors kept their power by “Mandate of Heaven,” which meant they are rulers because they received favor from the gods.
Qin Dynasty There was constant warfare in China as kings fought for control of China. This was known as the “Warring States” Period. The Qin State conquered all of China ending the wars & unifying it under one Kingdom. The Qin expanded the size of China and began building the Great Wall to keep out northern nomadic warriors known as the Huns. Qin believed in Legalism- that all people are evil. The only way to keep people in line is with strict laws and harsh punishments. People were unhappy with the Qin rulers and rebelled after 17 years. Qin Dynasty in 2 1/2 minutes Qin Dynasty in 2 1/2 minutes
Belief Systems Confucius believed that society would be better if people cared for each other & respected each other according to relationship. Confucian Beliefs are written in the Analects. 5 Key Relationships: Ruler / Subject Husband / Wife Father / Son Elder / Younger Friend to Friend Confucianism Video Confucianism Video
Think – Pair - Share You will answer the following questions in partnered groups. Be ready to discuss with the class for credit. Which Philosophy of Rule do you believe is better; Legalism or Confucianism? Are their advantages to both? Explain. Why do you believe these beliefs (although very different) both attempt to bring social order to China in Ancient times? You will have 2-3 minutes to discuss.
Classical Indian Civilization
Mauryan Dynasty Like China, North India was made up of warring city- states. Then Chandragupta Maurya seized power. He conquered all other city- states and created the 1 st unified Dynasty. He was a harsh ruler and began to grow and improve his empire. Alexander loses in India
Mauryan Dynasty (cont.) Asoka Asoka was the grandson of Chandragupta maurya. He was also a brutal leader who continued to wage bloody wars to increase the size of the empire. He converted to Buddhism and changed to a man of peace. He encouraged trade and stability of his empire through fair rule and not violence. His empire fell Apart shortly after his death. Asoka Video Asoka Video
BUDDHISM Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (A Hindu Prince) in India. Four Noble Truths 1.Life is suffering (sadness & pain) 2.Suffering is caused by desires (Things you want) 3.To end suffering, one must end desires (stop wanting stuff) 4.To end desires, one must follow the 8-fold path. Buddhism Video Buddhism Video
By following the 8-fold path, a person could release himself from the cycle of reincarnation and suffering to reach Nirvana.
Closing Task: Classical Religions Chart You will organize the religions we covered in class on one Chart and the basic beliefs or dogma of each. The Religions you will use will be Egyptian Beliefs, Zoroastrianism, Legalism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Fee free to use class resources to help you complete your chart. Religions of the Ancient World ReligionName Where originated Base Beliefs/ How Spread Important/People Texts ChristianityMiddle EastTeaching of MissionariesJesus, Jesus, BiblePaul(Spread beliefs)