POPULATION: 7,174,611,584 (JULY 2014 EST.) earth.nasa.g ov/view.php ?id=57723
1 China 1,355,692,576 2 India 1,236,344,631 3 European Union 511,434,812 4 United States 318,892,103 5 Indonesia 253,609,643 6 Brazil 202,656,788 7 Pakistan 196,174,380 8 Nigeria 177,155,754 9 Bangladesh 166,280, Russia 142,470, Japan 127,103, Mexico 120,286, Philippines 107,668, Ethiopia 96,633, Vietnam 93,421, Egypt 86,895, Turkey 81,619, Germany 80,996, Iran 80,840, Congo, Democratic Republic of the 77,433, Thailand 67,741, France 66,259, United Kingdom 63,742, Italy 61,680, Burma 55,746,253 https ://w ww.c ia.go v/libr ary/p ublic ation s/the - worl d- fact book /rank order /raw data _211 9.txt
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mons.wikime dia.org/wiki/ File:Religions _of_the_unit ed_states_pi e_chart.svg
toura mazin gindia.weeb ly.co m/reli gion.h tml Religio n by % in India
Major Cities of India
Physical features of India