Chain o’Lakes Fellowship Development Fellowship Development Report on the Chain o’Lakes Service Awareness Day March 1, 2008
We were privileged to serve. We learned some lessons. We gained tools. We were under budget. Summary
1. We need to target training better. Some were disappointed because they were not taught about carrying beepers, sitting on PI/PR panels and so on. 2. We will rely on the PR Handbook more—specifically, Chapter 11 (Event Planning) to avoid “repeating the same mistake.” Major Lessons Learned
1. Presentations. H&I, Helpline and leadership orientations are ready for other sessions. 2. Feedback: Almost one in three participants wrote written evaluations of what worked and didn’t work for them! We gained tools!
The Region budgeted $800 for this event. We spent $ ($ under budget). Since we had about 75 participants, the cost per person was about a dime per hour per participant.
Expenses Refreshments= $ Rent for 400 members = $50.00 Copies, pens, etc = $99.99 Gas for FD Chair = $59.00 Total = $569.73
Participants after the night meeting
62 Registered Participants One member from New York enjoyed the day with a sponsee. He definitely went to N.A. lengths!
62 members “signed in” from 10 Areas Sun Coast 1 Space Coast 3 Daytona 3 Fun Coast 1 Recovery 1 River 3 Forest 2 Treasure 1 (although we had 75 or more at times) Greater Orlando 7 Chain o’Lakes 39
Attendance—by type of service 13 representatives (8 GSRs + 5 RCMs) 19 committee servants: 6 from H&I, 5 from PI/PR, 6 from Helpline & 2 from FD. 5 admin servants: 2 chairs, 1 vice chair, 1 secretary, 1 treasurer. 12 members never in service. Since many newcomers “know how to party,” Activities is often strong. We remain challenged to channel that energy into other service efforts. 13 members serve in Activities.
The presentations were effective. The facility was a great pick. The topics were good. The presenters did fine. Feedback 24 evaluators agreed:
Fellowship developmentFellowship development NA GuidelinesNA Guidelines Subcommittee FunctionsSubcommittee Functions Area inventory (gathering information)Area inventory (gathering information) Working with newcomersWorking with newcomers Area Planning for solutionsArea Planning for solutions New structure of service, including restructuring AreasNew structure of service, including restructuring Areas Strong home groups/building membershipStrong home groups/building membership Group leadershipGroup leadership WebpageWebpage Future Topics
Most enjoyable, informative things Questions and answersQuestions and answers Regional presentations, especially leadership and H&IRegional presentations, especially leadership and H&I Group topicsGroup topics Fellowship/unityFellowship/unity FoodFood Speaker—thank you, Mark!Speaker—thank you, Mark!
Issue discussions (problems/ solutions of subcommittees)Issue discussions (problems/ solutions of subcommittees) Inability to smokeInability to smoke Chatter—especially before breaksChatter—especially before breaks PR (appeared unprepared)PR (appeared unprepared) Seven hours was too longSeven hours was too long Questions and answers...which was also the single most enjoyable part!?Questions and answers...which was also the single most enjoyable part!? Least enjoyable, informative things
What would you like to see more of? Snacks & food Specific service training Participation/ Group interaction/ round tables Q & A to the RSC More breaks Better ways to share solutions Coordination between subcommittees
We were especially grateful to be of service.