+ Unit 9 – The Middle East Topic 1 – Why did the League of Nations partition the Ottoman Empire into Mandates after WWI?
+ I. The Ottoman Empire A. Maps: 1914, 1918, 1922 B. Mandates of France/Great Britain II. British Promises during WWI A. McMahon Pledge (1915) B. Balfour Declaration (1917) (Jewish Nationalism)
+ III. Growth of Arab Nationalism A. The Issue of Palestine B. Maps and Visuals (Arab states) C. Anti-west sentiment amongst Arabs
+ Topic 2 – Monotheism in the Middle East and the World. I. Judaism A. Historical Origins B. Beliefs/Practices II. Christianity (same A and B) III. Islam (Sunni/Shiite) IV. Claims to the Holy Land (Jerusalem)
+ Topic 3 – Causes and Outcomes of the Arab/Israeli Conflicts I independence/Statehood II – Suez Canal Crisis (Cold War Era) III Six Day War (occupied territories) IV 1973 – Yom Kippur War V. 1980’s - Lebanon
+ Topic 4 – Zionism/Palestinian Nationalism – how lead to terrorism and fundamentalism? I Terrorism A. Definition B. Groups – PLO, Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda II. Islamic Fundamentalism A. Iranian Revolution (Shiite Muslims) B. Who are fundamentalists? (Jihadists)
+ Topic 5 – What peace has come to the Middle East? I. Egypt – Camp David Accords II. Jordan – III. Palestinian Principles/Intifadas A. Hamas B. Fatah