GWADW Elba Setting the stage GWADW2011, La Biodola Francesco Fidecaro Pisa
Michele Punturo: NE incident description Broken Viewports From inside From outside first failing secondary
GWADW Elba Since Kyoto 2010 … S6/VSR3, with alerts to telescopes/SWIFT S6/VSR3, with alerts to telescopes/SWIFT –Capability of almost real time data analysis –Detector data quality assessment –Sufficiently low transient rate in detectors Big Dog blind injection challenge Big Dog blind injection challenge –In vivo review of detection procedures –Built much higher confidence in the detection process aLIGO started work on sites aLIGO started work on sites –Impressive plan to be back with a working interferometer within a few years LCGT approved LCGT approved –hope that the difficulties from the earthquake/tsunami will be overcome, ready to support AdVirgo will start work this fall: AdVirgo will start work this fall: –Joint GEO-HF Virgo run –Then AdV oriented tests GEO-HF with squeezing is there GEO-HF with squeezing is there
GWADW Elba LCGT Detector construction approved Detector construction approved Underground interferometer will soon become a reality Underground interferometer will soon become a reality Path to cryogenics Path to cryogenics
GWADW Elba Einstein Telescope May 20: presentation of Conceptual Design Report May 20: presentation of Conceptual Design Report It is time to plan for infrastructures It is time to plan for infrastructures
ET event - May 2011 Targets of the Design Study Evaluate the science reach of ET Define the sensitivity and performance requirements Site requirements Infrastructures requirements Fundamental and (main) technical noise requirements Multiplicity requirements Draft the observatory specs Site candidates Main infrastructures characteristics Geometries Size, L-Shaped or triangular Topologies Michelson, Sagnac, … Technologies Evaluate the (rough) cost of the infrastructure and of the observatory ET event - May 20116
GWADW Elba Space detectors Sub Hertz radiation detection will open our eyes to the supermassive universe (among many other things) Sub Hertz radiation detection will open our eyes to the supermassive universe (among many other things) Large work on LISA-Pathfinder Large work on LISA-Pathfinder Feeling general economic ups and downs Feeling general economic ups and downs Confident that the mission will fly Confident that the mission will fly
GWADW Elba An example from space: after many efforts First few minutes of AMS (Very preliminary and uncalibrated)
GWADW Elba Environmental noise, gravity fluctuations Hopefully soon we’ll arrive to Newtonian noise Hopefully soon we’ll arrive to Newtonian noise –Underground –Seismic correction Accelerometers, tiltmeters Accelerometers, tiltmeters Long time scale effects in materials Long time scale effects in materials
GWADW Elba Thermal noise Mirror thermal noise sets the noise floor in future interferometers Mirror thermal noise sets the noise floor in future interferometers Not yet in current km scale ones Not yet in current km scale ones Progress? Progress? –Reduction of mass of mechanically bad material –Can there be new materials or processes that can improve thermal noise?
GWADW Elba Light sources, standard and squeezed Higher power Higher power Space operation sources Space operation sources Stable operation of a vacuum squeezer in GEO600 Stable operation of a vacuum squeezer in GEO600 Installation in progress in H1 Installation in progress in H1 Ponderomotive squeezing, toward frequency dependent squeezing Ponderomotive squeezing, toward frequency dependent squeezing
GWADW Elba Simulation progress Controls simulation Controls simulation Coming nearer and nearer to real life: Coming nearer and nearer to real life: –Phase maps –Non uniformity of mirrors –Tracking also auxiliary beams More detailed questions can be asked: sensitivity to interferometer parameters, … More detailed questions can be asked: sensitivity to interferometer parameters, …
GWADW Elba Control systems Feedback schemes Feedback schemes Control of thermal effects Control of thermal effects –Sensing –Actuating
GWADW Elba Cryogenics Goal for LCGT and ET Goal for LCGT and ET Stimulated work on suspensions, mirrors, refrigeration Stimulated work on suspensions, mirrors, refrigeration
GWADW Elba Remember we are entering the advanced detector era Long run Long run Not only knowledge but also skills to be acquired and maintained: Not only knowledge but also skills to be acquired and maintained: –Teaching the art –Managing these bright minds –Thinking Built-in reliability: Built-in reliability: –hw and core sw at the same level –Cleanliness –QC –Prototype and test as much as possible Manage centrifugal forces: Manage centrifugal forces: –Missing real astrophysical data –New detector instead of routine construction and debugging