Kick-off: Monday, April 4 th 2016:
“We Were the Mulvaney’s” Prose Analysis Complete all questions by Wednesday We will be reviewing this passage on Wednesday in class
Prose Analysis Overview (5) Prompt Author, title of work, time period - How do the dates influence the content/meaning of the passage? - After reading the passage, return to the title of the work. How does the title relate to the excerpt’s content? The prompt will ask students to examine how an author develops characterization, point of view, setting, tone, relationships between characters and social commentary.
Prose Analysis Overview (5) Prompt The prompt will ask students to examine how an author develops characterization, point of view, setting, tone, relationships between characters and social commentary. Through literary devices such as… point of view, imagery, selection of detail, etc. (You are not limited to those suggested!) *Upper half essays spend a significant amount of time discussing the implications of a character’s values, the complexity of a character’s emotions or relationships, the influence of setting on meaning, etc.
Poetry Analysis Overview Passage A prose passage will provide students with a selection of a text that is rich in description and character development. It will also CLEARLY reveal the author’s writing style Expectations Prose analysis tends to receive the second highest score. Students struggle to move beyond summarizing the prose excerpt or to develop deep enough commentary that does not just list literary devices.
Homework “We Were the Mulvaney’s” Prose Analysis SRP Interview is due April 15 th !
Kick-off: Tuesday, April 5 th 2016:
“We Were the Mulvaney’s” Prose Analysis Complete all questions by Wednesday We will be reviewing this passage on Wednesday in class
Prose Analysis Overview (5) Prompt Author, title of work, time period - How do the dates influence the content/meaning of the passage? - After reading the passage, return to the title of the work. How does the title relate to the excerpt’s content? The prompt will ask students to examine how an author develops characterization, point of view, setting, tone, relationships between characters and social commentary.
Prose Analysis Overview (5) Prompt The prompt will ask students to examine how an author develops characterization, point of view, setting, tone, relationships between characters and social commentary. Through literary devices such as… point of view, imagery, selection of detail, etc. (You are not limited to those suggested!) *Upper half essays spend a significant amount of time discussing the implications of a character’s values, the complexity of a character’s emotions or relationships, the influence of setting on meaning, etc.
Poetry Analysis Overview Passage A prose passage will provide students with a selection of a text that is rich in description and character development. It will also CLEARLY reveal the author’s writing style Expectations Prose analysis tends to receive the second highest score. Students struggle to move beyond summarizing the prose excerpt or to develop deep enough commentary that does not just list literary devices.
Homework “We Were the Mulvaney’s” Prose Analysis SRP Interview is due April 15 th !
Kick-off: Wednesday, April 6 th, 2016 Give a brief definition for each of the following literary devices: 1. Characterization 2. Dialogue 3. Diction 4. Figurative language 5. Imagery 6. Narrative Voice 7. Point of view
Kick-off: Wednesday, April 6 th, 2016 Identify the literary devices in the following examples: 1. In the same way as one cannot have the rainbow without the rain, one cannot achieve success and riches without hard work. 2. When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon it might have been one small step for a man but it was one giant leap for mankind. 3. Using “to put out to pasture” when one implies retiring a person because they are too old to be effective.
Kick-off: Wednesday, April 6 th, 2016 Identify the literary devices in the following examples: 1. In the same way as one cannot have the rainbow without the rain, one cannot achieve success and riches without hard work. analogy 2. “One small step for a man, and one giant leap for mankind.” antithesis 3. Using “to put out to pasture” when one implies retiring a person because they are too old to be effective. euphemism
Kick-off: Wednesday, April 6 th, Characterization 2. Dialogue 3. Diction 4. Figurative language 5. Imagery 6. Narrative Voice/Point of view 1. The concept of creating a character. May be presented through description, their actions, speech, thoughts, and interactions with other characters 2. Two or more characters’ conversation 3. Word choice 4. The use of language that isn’t literal 5. Language that appeals to the five senses for literary effect 6. The perspective from which the events in the story are observed and recounted Third person vs. First person
Week 30 Announcements/Reminders This week is Prose Analysis review week You will have a timed writing assignment in class tomorrow for Prose Next week is Open Question review Senior Research Project Assignment #2 – Interview is due on Friday, April 15 th You will have time after our timed writing to work in class (plan on about 30 minutes. Come prepared). It’s your last report card pick up on Friday!!!
Prose Analysis Overview (5) Prompt Author, title of work, time period - How do the dates influence the content/meaning of the passage? - After reading the passage, return to the title of the work. How does the title relate to the excerpt’s content? The prompt will ask students to examine how an author develops characterization, point of view, setting, tone, relationships between characters and social commentary.
Prose Analysis Overview (5) Prompt The prompt will ask students to examine how an author develops characterization, point of view, setting, tone, relationships between characters and social commentary. Through literary devices such as… point of view, imagery, selection of detail, etc. (You are not limited to those suggested!) *Upper half essays spend a significant amount of time discussing the implications of a character’s values, the complexity of a character’s emotions or relationships, the influence of setting on meaning, etc.
Prose Analysis Main Focus How the author provides a stronger characterization of one character over another How the author reveals a character’s attitude toward War The past His/her society How the speaker/narrator defines the character of a specific person in the passage How the author dramatizes an adventure How the author conveys the impact of a dramatic experience on a character How the author’s characterization of a person serves a satiric purpose How the describes a setting and characterizes the people who live there
Prose Analysis – Film Clips Prose analysis passages are like scenes from a movie… As you watch the clip, take notes on: 1. Setting 2. Characterization of characters (how they look, talk, what they say, who are they?) 3. Tone/Mood of the scene 4. The character’s attitude toward one another, surroundings, society 5. Significant details!
No Country for Old Men – Coin Toss The following clip is from Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men. Watch the clip carefully. Then write a well- developed essay in which you analyze how McCarthy reveals the character of Anton Chigurh. In your analysis, you may wish to consider such literary elements as characterization, setting, and tone.
Sister Act 2 – His Eye is on the Sparrow The following clip is from Sister Act 2. Watch the clip carefully. Then write a well-developed essay in which you analyze how Rita’s character is revealed. In your analysis, you may wish to consider such literary elements as characterization, setting, and tone.
We Were the Mulvaney’s Passage In your AP groups, reread the prompt and the passage Establish the theme/central idea of the passage (answer the BIG QUESTION)
We Were the Mulvaney’s Passage Write an intro/thesis that responds to the prompt.
We Were the Mulvaney’s Passage Read your paper’s intro/thesis. Write one body paragraph for the essay.
We Were the Mulvaney’s Passage Read your paper’s intro/thesis and first body paragraph. Write just a topic sentence for another body paragraph for the essay.
We Were the Mulvaney’s Passage Read your paper’s intro/thesis body paragraphs. Write a conclusion
We Were the Mulvaney’s Passage Read through your group’s essays. Turn in the best one to me!
Kick-off: Thursday, April 7t h 2016 In your groups, determine the steps or process for approaching a Prose Analysis question. Write your steps on the white board when you’re ready.
Prose Analysis Timed Writing Carefully read the following excerpt from the novel Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena Maria Viramontes. Then write a well-organized essay in which you analyze the development of Estrella’s character. In your analysis, you may wish to consider such literary elements as selection of detail, figurative language, and tone.
WORDS Thirst for knowledge Curiosity Realization of the power of knowledge Migrant girl
SRP Interview Work Time (30 minutes) Find your SRP Assignment #2 packet and read its contents. Commit – what are you going to accomplish by the time you leave class in 30 minutes?!