19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra1 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 1 Integrating Remote Sensing Data Products into Numerical Models of the Environment Participants: Fred Prata Ian Barton Eva Kowalczyk Jack Katzfey Ying-Ping Wang Graham Rutter Aims: Develop AATSR data processing stream Generate High-Level Geophysical Products (HLGPs) Validate products Sensitivity studies Inversion studies Assimilation studies
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra2 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 2 The ATSR-2 and AATSR 7 channels – 0.55 µm, 0.67 µm, 0.87 µm, 1.61 µm, 3.73 µm, 10.8 µm, 12.0 µm 2 views (0-22º nadir; 52-55º forward) 12-bit digitisation In-flight calibration of all channels 10-year heritage (ATSR , ATSR , AATSR (2001 ?) Pre-processing software mature Strong science team with good track record Continental data available to Australia at no cost High Australian content
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra3 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 3
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra4 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 4
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra5 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 5 Monthly NDVI Product from ATSR-2
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra6 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 6 ‘Old’ Albedo data and ‘New’ PATMOS-2 Albedo
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra7 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 7 Sensitivity Studies
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra8 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 8 Workpackages W01 – Data processing model W02 – Science and algorithm development W03 – Validation (experimental) W04– Climate model sensitivity W05– Model inversion studies W06 – Communications, outreach, travel and R&D transfer
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra9 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 9 Outcomes 1. Increase ability of environmental managers and planners to make decisions regarding land use. 2. Management of the Australian marine EEZ will be aided by having access to better quality measurements of ocean temperatures and EEZ climate parameters (e.g. clouds). 3. Integration of remotely sensed data into a range of environmental models will increase the accuracy and effectiveness of the model simulations. This will add credibility to predictions of Australian climate. 4. Inversion of the remotely sensed data to retrieve biogeophysical parameters from models is a new activity. An outcome of our work will contribute towards understanding of the carbon budget. 5. Model sensitivity studies using the AATSR data products is expected to lead to improved parametrisations of land and marine (air-sea interactions) processes. 6. A demonstrated ability to process and utilise AATSR data products in an effective manner will enhance our standing among the international space community. This may lead to future funding from international space agencies.
19/20-July-2000EOC Meeting, Canberra10 Remote Sensing Data Products and Environmental Modelling Leader – Fred Prata 10 The Cost Quite high, but good value...