SMU Environmental Society Fall 2013 October 22 st General Meeting
ES & Homecoming! We’re awesome! Perunas are on the Clements lawn Banners are in Hughes Trigg
Garden here Aquaponics interest? Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3pm
This Saturday: Recycling 1:00pm to 1:30pm Environmental Society Boulevard Recycling Observation Shift Jewel at With your observations and comments
Oasis Express November 2 nd &November 9 th November 2 nd &November 9 th 8am-2pm we need to help, Shuttle runs 9:30-1:30 8am-2pm we need to help, Shuttle runs 9:30-1:30 Please commit to helping set up, sitting at the station, or helping take down Please commit to helping set up, sitting at the station, or helping take down Also go to the market and enjoy! Also go to the market and enjoy!
America Recycles Day Friday November 15 th Friday November 15 th Brainstorm & plan to volunteer Brainstorm & plan to volunteer Recycling game, pledge cards, food? Recycling game, pledge cards, food? YERT Showing YERT Showing
Hippie Hike + JFK Day Environmental Society annual service event Environmental Society annual service event Go as a group, wear tie dye, eat lunch at Spiral Diner Go as a group, wear tie dye, eat lunch at Spiral Diner November 23 rd 8am-12pm November 23 rd 8am-12pm Register at this site! Register at this site! Please RSVP to ES so we can arrange carpooling Please RSVP to ES so we can arrange carpooling
nization/environmentalsociety This website is cool and important!
Getting the Word Out Twitter and Pinterest too! Help out?
T-Shirt?!?!? :D
Activities Overview Weekly gardening Weekly gardening Aquaponics build and rain barrel build TBD Aquaponics build and rain barrel build TBD Oasis Shuttle Nov. 2 nd and 9 th Oasis Shuttle Nov. 2 nd and 9 th America Recycles Day Nov 15th America Recycles Day Nov 15th Hippie Hike JFK Community Service November 23 rd Hippie Hike JFK Community Service November 23 rd
Thanks! Please get involved in person and online Next meeting is November 5 th 4pm in HT Portico A